Small Plec?


New Member
May 19, 2008
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Hertfordshire, UK
I have a small tank (about 2ft) which only contains long finned zebra's at the mo. ( I may get a few other small things for in there too). I would like a plec to go in with them but one that will not grow too big. Any ideas?

(I already have 3 common plecs, 1 bristlenose and one featherfin catfish in my various other large tanks)

all depends how much u wanna spend but another bn is a logical 1 for that size but maybe others like golden nugget,goldie,phantoms

I would reccomend a bristlenosed(aka bushynose) pleco. They stay fairly small, and are super cute. though it would help if you could get the gallonage, or a pic of the tank so we know what your working with Also , how many danios do you have in the tank?? I was also going to reccomend the golden nugget but they are SSSOOO expencive.
I was also going to reccomend the golden nugget but they are SSSOOO expencive.

not sure about us but there about £30-£35 at around 2" from our LFS :)
the tank is about 12 gallons/55litres. There are 7 zebras in there. I already have a bristlenose in another tank so would like something different for this one if possible.
Yeah golden nuggets are awesome around £30 here for a 2" as Jen already said :)
So thats about $60
I had a gold nugget in a 14 gallon tank & it took over the whole bottom of the tank! most gold nuggets that you see are the ones that grow up 12 inches +, not the small L177, even if they are marked that way!
Any of these will fit Flash, King Tiger, Clown, Bristlnose, Queen Arabesque, Leopard Frog and Clown just to name a few.

Prices based on Trimar

Flash= £12.75
King Tiger= £19.75
Bristlenose= £1.99-£14.15
Queen A= £24.75
Leopard F= £24.75
Clown= £4.75 highly recommended

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