Small Fish, Big Tank

bichirs are great i have two senegals now that are about 7 1/2" and 6 1/2" but you do know they reach up to 24".
your tank size is fine but they do nip at other fish and at that size can do a lot of damage even if its to big to eat.
just something to think about but i love mine i have a male and a female and they love eachother seem not to mind me i reach in their and the male will swim through my fingers. he is verry active which is not always the case anyway good luck.
senegals only get to ~ 12 inches . you must be thinking about ornates. When I come up with a rough stock list I'm gonna total it up - itf it's too much I'll just keep some beasts instead
Technically not oddballs because they fit in other categories but how about Pirahnas or Exodons?
That's a really big tank!
A big school of glassfish or glass catfish would look really cool, I think. :nod:
African butterfly fish for top, glassfish for middle, and gobies on the bottom should be balanced.
but, but but, it's a HUGE tank! maybe consider one or two big-ish fish? like, main attantion grabber? it'll be kind of cool I think. It'll be like, Cool fish swimming on top (abf), eels and bogies on the bottom, and a few big fish with glassys swimming in schools :] (*coughs* sorry for the drama) :lol:

I wish I had a big tank like that! :] :shifty:

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