Fish Gatherer
Will do, won't be able to go to the fish shop with all the meds until the weekend.
Do you mean the fish has a hint of blue slime on the fish body.
Any signs of darting, erratic swimming, flicking and rubbing on objects in the tank?
Sorry for your loss.
Would you be able to post a video of the tank in general and fish? Will do that once I get back in a couple of hours... not sure how good my camera will be taking a video of such small fish.
What have you treated with so far? In the last 2 weeks, I treated the tank for ich as my fish had spots. I stopped after he died and made sure the medicine was removed before treating (still on the last dose) with Anti Bacterial Meds
How many fish died, how far apart and if you remember, what symptoms did they have exactly? My first fish was about 1 month ago (posted a topic called "Red Line") technically he didn't die of it, didn't figure out what it was an euthanized him in fears that it might be worm parasites and hoping to contain it. Then was the one from this post who was all slow motion, then seemed to have ich, then died and had a red line after death... that was last week. Then yesterday it was a juvenile of about 2 months old... no symptoms, just found him dead, had a slight pinkish patch on his belly. I have a picture, will post that later as well.
Do you think it's something contagious? Did the newly affected fish have contact or nibbled on the dead body of previous fish, etc...Is it possible it spread via drops of water, etc.... It's contained in just one of my tanks. My male guppies chase each other so do normal showing off to each other all the time. My slow motion guppy was wedged really well under the plants when I found him so most likely the others didn't notice. The one from yesterday was wedged up high between the glass and thermometer.
If it's bacterial infection, it could be:
1. Caused by gram negative bacteria
2. Caused by gram positive bacteria
Both can be either aerobic(in highly oxygenated) or anaerobic(in less oxygenated water, high waste) bacterial infections
3. Protozoa infections of all kinds, internal or external
4. Fungi
5. Virus
So you have to evaluate your water conditions, the type of treatments you've tried, what were the medications effective against mostly(bacteria or parasites, whether gram negative bacteria mostly or gram positive) and if they had any effect on the fish at all, if not, then move on to the next closest possibility.
Just needed to check as I thought you meant the fish had a blueish film on him.
Which can mean a parasite called Chilodonella.
Does the pink mark on the fish have a circling of dead white tissue around the edges? Not that I noticed, will take another look when I upload the picture later... just looked more like a pink smudge... sort of like someone had added pink marker and it got wet and blurred so you couldn't see a spot anymore... hope that helps!
The red line all I can think of is septicemia. I can't think what else the red line on the fish could be.
Going to read your thread again from the beginning.