Slow Motion Guppy P13, New Symptoms

I'm sure its ich, definitely like a grain of salt... one of a flipper and one on his belly.

I will try the peas but he doesn't seem to be eating today that I can tell. I might move him into the breeder net and see if he will eat there with no other interferences from the other boys.

Oh, I will try and figure out how to PM the admin... I have previously posted about the problem and a board member tried to help but that didn't come to anything.
Remove black carbon from filter.
Raise temp to 80
Increase aeration.
Add the whitespot med.
Make sure you can use the full dose with the fish you keep. If you have sensitive fish half dose.

I will contact admin for you.

Good Luck.
I forgot about raising the temperature!

Its just male guppies in this tank.
You can use full dose.

Good Luck.
He has stopped shimmying since I dosed yesterday... but I don't feel like that means he's getting better. He didn't benefit from being in the mesh breeder, he still didn't eat, so I let him out again this morning. My plants grow up to almost the top of the water in the middle of my tank and he is prefering to hover just above them, somewhat hidden or out of the regular path of the others.
I agree. He doesn't sound to good.
Has he darkened in colour, or gone pale?
Is he also resting on the plants?

Try and stimulate his appetite by soaking his food in garlic juice.
Has he darkened in colour, or gone pale? No, he's his regular color.
Is he also resting on the plants? Half? Maybe. He is more just there because its hidden and quiet... the very end of his tail sort of rests but doesn't look like enough to be supporting him there.

Try and stimulate his appetite by soaking his food in garlic juice.

If he shows any of these signs don't hesitate getting back to the thread.
If he start to rest on plants, bottom of tank for long periods, heavy breathing.

Unfortunately, Mystery died overnight. I'm still not 100% sure of what and would love more suggestions.

The alarming thing was, when I pulled him out, he had a red line on his belly... this is alarming because I previously euthanized a male with a red line hoping to prevent it from spreading (not 100% sure what it was but feared parasites or worms). Ben10 had a crisp vein-like red line on his belly. Mystery didn't have a red line until he was dead... in the same place but not crisp, more blurry. Could that be related? I am thinking I need to keep this tank as a quarantine for the boys for a long time since these incidents are at least a month apart (can't remember the exact date).
Bless Him. :rip:

He didn't sound to good.

The red line could of been septicemia. Hard to cure once is advances.

Keep a close eye of your fish for
Red streaking on body or fins.
Red patches.
Bleeding beneath the skin.
Small red dots on fins, body.
Fish looking pale, or darker in colour.
Acting listless, lethargic.
Resting on objects in the tank, substrate.
Leaning to oneside.
Unable to maintain balance in the water.
Turning upside down, or head standing.

I would recommend a few daily water changes.
I will do the changes, I already did a big one today.

I started another topic in the tropical discussions forum about this (and my previous guppy who had a red line)... would really like to figure this out in case I should dose my tank with something to cure the others who might be ticking time bombs. :sad:
Maybe its a good idea for me to link them together.
If 2 fish have had the same problem I would treat your tank with an internal bacteria med.
Fish can also get red lines on there fins. This is also septicemia.
Thats just it, I'm not sure if it is the same thing or not.

What would be a good antibacterial, is Pimafix good?
Don't bother using pimafix.

Anti internal bacteria med by interpet.

Are you still using the whitespot med?
If so you will have to wait till you have finished the med course.Water change and gravel vac. Run new black carbon for 24 hours.
Another water change. Remove black carbon from filter. Then you can add the bacterial med to the tank.

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