Slow Growing Fry


Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2013
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Hi everyone,
I have 6 fry, 5 guppy and 1 platy.
i had 5 live guppy fry (the ones i caught) 3 weeks ago, 
3 were very healthy, 2 had deformities
i keep them in a 2.5gall, i suppose its ok for now as i only have 5 fry in it at the mo,
i kept the deformed ones in the tank for two weeks but last week upon taking the advice of someone i released them into the main adult tank, hoping they would be eaten (cruel i know, better than flushing them down though!) anyway the most deformed one was eaten, but the other one with a bent spine and a weird eye wasnt eaten, it just swims around the adult tank like one of the boys lol, i think ill leave him for now
i found a single platy fry over a week ago, unfortunately no more :( he looks around 2 weeks old. 
and found another tiny guppy fry yesterday, again cant find any more
Anyway, the remaining 3 guppy fry from 3 weeks ago that are in the 2.5gall, two of them are huge, they look over a month old (i can assure you theyre not as i witnessed them being born ha) but the other one from that drop is less than half their size, any one know why it is so small??
Small growing fry could indicate a deeper issue, like a runt.  It also could be bullied by the others away from the food.  Or... 
More than likely it's not completely healthy.
Yeah i think maybe he gets bullied away from the food because the other two big ones seem to own the tank, theyre the most confident out of the small group. 
And yeah it might also be a runt, the guppy that gave birth to them also had a lot of deformed fry, so maybe its some kind of deformity that its small? 
I used to get a tiny one from time to time when I had guppy fry, they never made it.
I wouldn't say hes tiny, but compared to the other two hes pretty small. 
The other one that i referred to as tiny is only a couple of days old i'd say so i don't have any issues with him
I may be barking up totally the wrong tree here, someone will put me right if I am, only started breeding my gups a few months ago but what I have noticed with mine is that all my males have not grown as quickly as the females seem to, I have 2 males from one brood that are half the size of the females after 3 months, same with the next batch, I could be wrong but maybe your smaller one is male

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