Slimmed Down Fish Room Journal

How did a cat damage a tank that size?

If you post pictures of the damaged tank, we can offer ideas on how or if it can be repaired.
How did a cat damage a tank that size?

If you post pictures of the damaged tank, we can offer ideas on how or if it can be repaired.
The tank is in the basement and above the tank are vents where the cats walk on. I think he jumped off of one of the vents just on the perfect spot either directly onto the brace or onto lid close enough to snap it. Not sure how old the tank is exactly but we think its near 20 years old. The Canton question is almost 13 pounds and jumping down a few feet would be a lot of force on an old piece of plastic that was thin to begin with.


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Move hand, take more pictures :)

Is the black bit plastic or glass?
If it goes where the clamp is fitted, then it's probably just a cross member and you can glue a new one on. Get a piece of glass that is the same thickness as the tank (6, 8 or 10mm), and silicon it across the top from the front to back. Let it dry for a week and your good to go. The cross members are usually 4 inches wide.
Hello, long time no post. Life was a bit crazy stressful with work. thankfully the stress went down a notch so I was able to do some (long needed) maintenance.

Here is a (not really short) video showcasing the majority of the tanks, I forgot to show the Betta 5 gallon tanks again...

The video cut off at the end, but the tank dimensions are actually 60 7/6" x 18 1/4" glass to glass, and no one makes a trim over 18" wide so there isn't another option to replace the top trim. Anyone has any other suggestions on supporting the center brace, it would be welcome.

Hey Colin, just read your earlier reply. The original center brace is plastic, and was attempted to be fixed with the metal rod that is clamped to the sides of the trim and glued to the broken brace with a plastic epoxy (Loctitie). I would be very nervous about removing the current reinforcement to cut the broken piece of original brace off as I will have to deal with the glued down bits now as well. This is why I thought if I could use acrylic to additional reinforce it and ease my Sister's anxiety about the water pressure being too much for the current reinforcement.
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Hello, long time no post. Life was a bit crazy stressful with work. thankfully the stress went down a notch so I was able to do some (long needed) maintenance.

Here is a (not really short) video showcasing the majority of the tanks, I forgot to show the Betta 5 gallon tanks again...

The video cut off at the end, but the tank dimensions are actually 60 7/6" x 18 1/4" glass to glass, and no one makes a trim over 18" wide so there isn't another option to replace the top trim. Anyone has any other suggestions on supporting the center brace, it would be welcome.

Hey Colin, just read your earlier reply. The original center brace is plastic, and was attempted to be fixed with the metal rod that is clamped to the sides of the trim and glued to the broken brace with a plastic epoxy (Loctitie). I would be very nervous about removing the current reinforcement to cut the broken piece of original brace off as I will have to deal with the glued down bits now as well. This is why I thought if I could use acrylic to additional reinforce it and ease my Sister's anxiety about the water pressure being too much for the current reinforcement.

Hi Nat, good to hear from you again, missed this yesterday...looking forward to viewing your vid, but will have to do it at home, like you, my work has been crazy/stressful, as well....end of fiscal, inventory coming up...I hate this time of year at work, lol
So if you have been following my other threads you will have seen I rearranged the fish room a bit and set up the 120 acrylic and took down the 50 gallon low boy. I also reinforced the center brace on the 120 glass and it has been filled and the inhabitants of a 75 gallon have been moved over.
Now I have an empty 75 gallon which I am going to utilize to move my many (7+/-) Pavo eels, a royal pleco and add some danios.
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I'm am hoping that the YouTube videos are working. I did snag a couple pictures of the tank though. The danios are coming in tomorrow courtesy of The Wet Spot. I will also be getting 10 mascara barbs in for the acrylic 120. I was going to put the Danios in a 10 gallon until the 75 was set up, however the 75 is basically set up so they're just going to go right into the 75.


You'll have to use a little imagination and picture the swords growing in.

Here's a shot of two of my Pavo eels.

BTW if you're looking at that lotus leaf in the center and going why does it look like Swiss cheese? I don't know, I have a feeling my little SAEs maybe grazing on them. I do have a couple of BN pleco that may be having a field day on them as well.

I somehow snagged a 3-day weekend coming up so this weekend will be the weekend to take down the 125; remove the background, remove the Pavo eels and Thor, and redecorate the tank. I do have a matten filter in there that I may clean out as well. Fun times ahead, lol.


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Hey Tom. Life's ok, home waiting on UPS for my fishies to arrive. Work is crazy as vaccination season has started with the bonus of the new Covid booster. Freezer/fridge is so packed with flu and Covid vaccines we can't squeeze anything else in ( like insulin for scripts), lol.

Still working on the house, how's your relatively new home? Hope little badgering is doing well. Funny I don't seem to get any updates for new posts from you or Matt though I am following both of you.

Well thanks for responding, and have a great day.

No sure why the videos aren't working. Will take them down.
Wow, that's a crazy collection. I would have loved to see it before you slimmed down!! 🤯🤩
We wound up moving to a new house the basement wasn't big enough to keep all the tanks. Plus our life got too busy and so we needed to downsize to save our sanity. We had a 125, 120, five 75 gallons, two 50 gallon lowboy tanks, a 40 breeder, a 40 gallon cube, a 33 gallon long, a 30 gallon cube, 22 gallon cube, four 20 gallon long tanks, three 15 gallons and eight 10 gallon with half up and running at the time. Majority of the tanks had sponge filtration as I had a central air system setup with a DAPH 60 air pump. If I can find a video I will post it, but it's a PITA looking on the phone.
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So silly me decided today was a good day to break down my 125. Yesterday I got my flu and covid vaccination.

So I decided to start a little bit before 10:00 this morning and emptied the tank halfway and started pulling out the Driftwood and plants. Since the water was so cloudy my sister and I went to home Depot to get some egg crate for a 40 gallon breeder she wants to set up as a river tank in the hopes that the water would clear up a little bit so that we can grab the fish when we got home.

Thankfully my sister is amazing at grabbing fish and quickly emptied the tank putting all the eels in the 75 gallon as well as my small Royal pleco Thor. We also moved a royal farowella into the 120 with my tetras. I think he was the one who made swiss cheese out of my tiger lotus. My plan had been to take down the background after I got all the fish out. However the background had deteriorated enough where some of the fish we're using it as hides and caves, so we have to wind up taking apart the exterior of the background and making a mess in the substrate with flaking drylok. My plan was to originally keep the substrate however with all the small to medium size chips of drylok I was afraid that the fish would eat it in the future and it would impact them digestively. So I went to our local fish store, fish planet and purchased some sand. So all the substrate that was in the 125 is now garbage. I cannot tell you how much fun it was to pull out all of my substrate from the 125, with arms sore from my vaccinations and pulling out many pieces of driftwood and many more plants. Oh and carrying five 50 lb bags of sand from the driveway to the basement was not easy either. Lifting three of those bags into the tank was almost worse. After rescaping the tank and filling with water I learned that the two new pieces of Driftwood I bought from an aquarium store float. Even though they're supposed to be Malaysian wood. Having committed myself to my look I wound up playing around with rocks even tying one to the Driftwood on the right to make the wood stay down. I am hoping that those pieces eventually will become waterlogged. I'm not sure when but I'm hoping sooner rather than later. I was a little bummed that after catching all the fish from the tubs I reintroduced some mulm and old substrate, ruining my clean sand look and making the water very cloudy. Of course after I introduce the fish they already started pulling some of the crypts out, que Sera Sera.
Hoping the videos work this time.

Wow, what a everything from the 125G fit into a 75G?....sorry, didn't have time to watch the entirety of the vids

Good to hear from you again, I was wondering how y'all have been doing, watching Blondie's goofball antics the other day made me think of you
What a everything from the 125G fit into a 75G?....sorry, didn't have time to watch the entirety of the vids
Good to hear from you again, I was wondering how y'all have been doing, watching Blondie's goofball antics the other day made me think of you
No myRoyal pleco Thor and my 10 Pavo eels were moved into the 75. Also my Royal farwella went into the 120 with my tetras, banjo cats, syno catfish, cory and other plecos.

The gouramis (3- now 4 snakeskin, 2 moonlight, 1 gold and 1 banded), Panda barbs, harlequin rasboras, yoyo loaches, 3 BN plecos, Bell-my royal watermelon pleco, and our relatively new to the tank Borneo eel stayed.

Since it seemed like I lost some of the panda and harlequins I stopped at two local fish stores and brought home 6 Panda barbs (2 at one store and 4 at another), a dozen harlequin, and 11 (cause that's all they had) checker barbs. I also saw 2 large snakeskin gouramis but only one was healthy lookinand at $6 I couldn't pass. We have also been looking for an adult super red pleco to mate up with our super red male- Meatloaf (lol Sis picks the best names). She is a proven breeder and that was why she was rehomed with about 20 of her tiny babies. I only got her though, lol.

Glad Blondie is doing well. Ghost worries ne sometimes as he looks old and then when there is food in the tank and he is bludgeoning other fish and plecos away he seems like the spry young territorial pleco I remember . 😁

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