Well I thought I'd let everyone know, but a few weeks ago the 120 acrylic tank sprung a leak. We have to move the two Severum that were in the 120 acrylic into the 120 glass where I planted all of my swords, and they will not leave the swords in the substrate. I'm just a smidge ticked off at them.
Also while my sister was feeding the eels yesterday in the 125 she saw that one of the younger Borneo eels was not looking very well, he is a little thin and lethargic so we are going to be moving him into our 33 to cut down on the competition from the other eels, the pseudo Oscars, and the parrot cichlid.
In order to do this we are going to be breaking down and moving a few fish and tanks.
The 10 gallon is going to be broken down. It currently has some snails, some maculatus eels, and a mean cichlid named Lestat.
They will all be going into a 33 gallon.
The 20 long is also going to be broken down. It currently has some amano shrimp, pangio loaches, nano Rasbora and tetra, Panda gara, a single otto, some cichlids, my Igawazu 2009 sword and my Egyptian lotus bulb(yeah they're not fish but they're important). The nano fish are going to be going upstairs into the 6 gallon, the panda garra and the lone otto are going to be going into the 120 glass or possibly the 33
The 33 is going to be broken down as well.
It currently has a few cichlids in there, a small school of panda corry, and some panda gara.
The cichlids are going to be going into the 125, the corry are going into the 120 glass tank to play with all of my other corry, and I believe the panda girl are either going to stay in the tank or they're going to go into the 120 glass tank as algae control.
The 10 gallon, 20 long, and 33 will need to be taken down and cleaned. All three tanks were algae factories. I am going to try to get the 33 clean as well as possible and then we want to lift it up to the top rack of the shelf that we have on.
Unfortunately we ran a bunch of errands today so we just got home a little while ago. Going to try to get some energy back and then go and tackle that mess in the basement. Going to have to get that set up because I don't want the poor Borneo sitting in the 125 and possibly dying because he's not going to get a chance to eat.
I'll get some before and after pictures up once we're done.