Slate Caves


Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2011
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I'm after some slate caves, and I know there is someone on this forum who will knock some up for me, but I can not for the life of me, remember where the thread was, and the search feature is not really helping either.

It was a huge thread with 15 or so pages. Anyone point me in the right direction?

Many thanks!
Go to the classifieds and search equipment (don't search, do a 'find' on the computer and you may have to check thtough a few pages to get there but the threads are in there. I've seen them too but can't remember who it was sorry.

No idea why but the thread has been locked.
Thanks buddy.

That is a bit wierd that it's been locked :blink: perhaps they don't want businesses on here.
maybe you could email or send him a pm ,i've had caves from him before and they are great quality and also fairly cheap :)

I've just added him to facebook so will get in contact through there.
You are right Brian. We are presently in discussion in the MOD area about allowing businesses to function on this forum but right now this is one of our "General Rules" that can be found at the top of every page.

"In addition there is to be no advertising of commercial sites on the message board unless authorized by a moderator. If you wish to advertise here please contact the forum administrator.
No promoting of other competing sites either in the forum, chat room or private message system. In the event of receiving such spam messages, please report the incident to a member of the moderating team."

The idea we are playing with is a separate location for commercial sellers so that it won't just get lost among the ads posted by general members. At that point it would have some value to the seller and we could have the advertisers help pay for this forum. It is free right now to all members and does not have the spammy looking ads I see on some other forums, but it is not free for the site owner even though the MODs work as volunteers.

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