I added 6 rummy nose tetra, will add 2-4 more asap. Also added some frogbit too... all the fish are counted for now i'm back from hol.
Also should be getting the all pond solution 1000lph filter in the next couple of days.
A couple of issues I have about the rams is that they seem really shy when the lights are on...which is annoying because you can see them much better when the lights are on. I thought maybe its to bright for them so stuck some frobit in there, no where near enough yet though. But i've seen them more active in much brighter tanks... Also the female is generally restricted to behind all the bogwood when the lights are off because he seems to control the front of the tank, they spend most of their time apart, sometimes they just relax when the lights are on together but you can't see that so well. He is certainly easy to watch now in the evening as he just swims up and down looking at his reflection. sometimes the female is about at the front but he often chases her back, never aggressively although they did have a little fight over a peice of food once and both had it in their mouths lol.
I've gone of the cockatoo idea even though my LFS has them in... I don't think it'll work and if it doesn't work it'd be difficult to rehome them. I can't really think of any other fish that will work that I like... I do quite like choc gouramis but difficult to find.
On a brighter note the rummy nose look great and seem really happy, its not a mature tank so I didn't expect the move to go so well.