Si's Fishless Cycle

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Stupid question but what exactly are dither fish?

Well, bolivian rams are shy fish... the fact that rummy nose tetras shoal makes them relax because it shows that there are no predators about - thats dither fish I think :p If bolivian rams were on there own they might hide a lot...

I am going to get one of those african shrimp after my tanks matured. Have you seen them :hyper:

It's definately a shrimp! :good: Would work fit into my tank nicely when its more mature although they get pretty big.

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Stupid question but what exactly are dither fish?

Well, bolivian rams are shy fish... the fact that rummy nose tetras shoal makes them relax because it shows that there are no predators about - thats dither fish I think :p If bolivian rams were on there own they might hide a lot...

I am going to get one of those african shrimp after my tanks matured. Have you seen them :hyper:


Ha ha, I love it. Literally fish that dither!
I made a thread on tropical discussion yesterday about my stocking and its confused me more so!

One guy said you mayaswell add all the tetras right at the start and that I could have 2 groups of 10 (rummy and cardinal).

If I had 2x8 tetra, 8 loach and 3 ram that would be 54 inches of fish (even with the loaches length counted as 2 for 1). the tank is 30G, so by the one inch per gallon rule thats insane... 24 inches over infact

What do I do :huh:

I could just get

2 rams
8 Rummy nose tetra
6-8 kuhli loaches

on aq advisor that says 'satisfactory' at 102% filtration capacity.

I don't think I've had the same opinion twice yet
I find that Simon. I do think a lot of it is just down to basic guildines and common sense and anything else is just people's opinions. I've had people tell me all male Platys would be fine andpeople tell me not to. Some tell me one Honey G would be fine, others say no get 2. I really think as long as you don't do anything stupid with stocking and look after it properly, it's all just down to personal experience.
I find that Simon. I do think a lot of it is just down to basic guildines and common sense and anything else is just people's opinions. I've had people tell me all male Platys would be fine andpeople tell me not to. Some tell me one Honey G would be fine, others say no get 2. I really think as long as you don't do anything stupid with stocking and look after it properly, it's all just down to personal experience.

well said :good:
Nitrites processed 5ppm within 24 hours now.

There isn't any point in testing ammonia twice is there if its already 0 in 12 hours from dosing? or is it best to rule out any sort of minicycle threat

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