Single Or Multiple Cory Species

Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought green/orange lazer are all corydoras aeneus, same as the albino and bronze corys.
That's why I was thinking to buy some green lazers as they should be schooling with my albinos.
One of the LFS said they can order them for me for 10 euro each, so not as bad as £18.
Yes they will school or shaol together but I have found in the past that albino tended to stick with albino and normal with normal. I guess it also depends on what the other cory's are used to seeing, if they have never seen a different colour of the same type before they wont attack it but may sort of exclude it from their own happy little group. The mixing up of the colour variations of a particular type makes things harder down the track in determining if fish that will always breed true to the colour the buyer thought they where getting and possibly paid a lot for.
i have no idea if there separating or schooling together at moment i shall see when things calm down lol, but TBH i am not fussed if the breed or not be a bonus if they do but i just love and want to keep the fish,

i had around 0.25 to 0.50 nitIte in my tank this morning with another dead cory i thought 0.25 or 0.5 would not kill them considering it was well over 5.0 or maybe even 10.0 yesterday, all other perameters are fine? so I'm guessing this fish was just weak or sick to start with?

all info i get is great I'm still a newbie and learning is all i want to do :)
Any form of nitrite is lethal to fish,it may not kill them straight away,but will have a knock on effect later on...

Its a price you pay for buying expensive fish,which some people would die for,only for you to lose them to nitrite spikes.

Even a mature tank would struggle having 20 fish loaded into it.

Do very large w/c's daily to keep this has close to zero has possible,or you may end up losing them all.

How long has the tank been set up & was it fully cycled beforehand?
Tank was not cycled ad is only 4 to 5 weeks old BUT I did use the mature media from the old filter put that into the new filter and is still there I am never taking that out I did not clean or do anything so it was cycled effective this was advice given to me
On these Forums

Ye 50% water change was done today and will do that every day untill it settles down I am going to do a larger water change
Maybe this weekend if need be

Yep allot of money and defo worth paying I was expecting to loose fish due to bad fish and the place got them from was like 100l with over 50 to 75 fish in :( was not looking gd there colours where not strong like the LFS but i still got them :)
I would put it down to the nitrite killing them, even worse if you think you've bought 'bad' fish has these will would suffer more has they've no defense against it.

Even if your filter was mature and moved across thats fine,the downfall is you've added far to many fish in one go and not giving the filter chance to catch up on the new bio load,unless you keep to large daily w/c's you will lose more...its not fair on the fish to let them suffer by having nitrite burn their gills and poison them.

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