Single Or Multiple Cory Species


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Chatroom Moderator
Dec 3, 2011
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okay my questions as stated in the title is,

Is it okay to have a more than one cory species in the same tank as i have reserved 6 green laser cory's for my tank to pick up this weekend i was recommended sterbia cory's too i also love the look and colour of the fish i was planning on getting 6 of those two would this be a problem?

for example would they start fighting with each other or not hang around in a group together?

another question sorry is around £18 a good price for green laser cory?
No cories are very peaceful species and as long as you keep them in the right numbers, they can easily cohabit. The only thing is the temperature. You are pushing it a bit as the sterbais like to have at least 24 whereas the upper limit for the green lasers is 24 as well. What else are you planning on keeping in there?
Not a problem, though honestly, I'd rather 12 of one species than 6 of two :blink:
thnx both ye i was thinking as i have angels one plec and red line torpedos tank temp is 23.5 to 24 most upper limit of the torpedos but okay for the rest :) love the green lasers so i rather have them if temp is going to be a problem for both the species and yes i would love to get 12 green lasers but the price is so expensive £18 for one, 12 of them is allot of money :(
You are considering £18 each for schooling fish? My, you must be loaded!

I would also go for a large school rather than 2 lots of 6. It looks much better when they are in big groups. Mind you they don't always hang out together all the time anyway so with your big tank 6 of each wouldn't look that nice.

lol yep my torpedos i have 8 of them schooling £11 each for them and they look amazing tbh :) not all of them have coloured up yet but when they do i can't w8, and these green lasers also looked amazing in the shop i know there not common so i was expecting them to cost allot but not £18 each more like the 11 il ask for 10% of or something :D haha
i think what i may do is get 6 now and then maybe next month sometime get 6 more green lasers because there so expensive and my LFS only has 6 of them haha
no i haven't no where else sell them :( from looking on the forums people have bought them for £25 to £35 each so i think £18 is gd looking at that but i don't know i have a look again but ye I'm willing to pay for the as they look healthy and i know they are true green lasers the green stripe on there back is to obvious :D
I was looking at the Gold Lasers and there are 10 for sale on ebay for £6 each. I imagine someone might have the Greens for sale too.

The Gold Laser listing is and the guy has an email addy in there. Maybe he can get the Greens for a slightly better price?

I have to say I'm a little surprised that there are not more Gold and Green appearing since they seem to be something lots of people want but are also expensive. If I had some I'd be encouraging breeding like mad!
yes i would love to breed my green lasers and make some money ;) i read up cold water changes helps spawning :D not a problem if thats all it takes to help trigger it :D

but thnx for the post i shall have a look :)
whats the temp range for the golds is it the same as the green laser ones?
nice thnx for that perfect for me then :D, are you bidding on those gold laser btw?

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