Since When Did Guppies Become Bullies?


New Member
Feb 19, 2010
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Tampa Bay
Is it typical for Guppies to mob Corydoras? My male fancy Guppies just wont leave my Cory alone. I immediately separated them. I thought Guppies were soft litte, puny creatures.
Maybe you could try adding more corys because i have 2 corys with my 4 guppies and they never bother them, if anyone bothers anyone it's the male cory when he and the female are spawning.

Really? I here a lot on here about breeding Corys, I take it that its a pleasant experience. I'll try to add more Corys soon to help the little critter out.
Is it typical for Guppies to mob Corydoras? My male fancy Guppies just wont leave my Cory alone. I immediately separated them. I thought Guppies were soft litte, puny creatures.
How many guppies do you have in the tank? My guppy tank had pygmies in the tank for many months and even after all except one pygmy died, the guppies NEVER paid attention to him/her. It was as if they lived in alternate universes! lol The most guppies I had with the pygmy was six.
i have 11 guppies in my tank with mollies and tetra and the guppies rule the tank they are very hyper and can get very bullish towards each other but never had any problems with it i just love guppies in fact im thinking of buying a new tank to get some more
i have 11 guppies in my tank with mollies and tetra and the guppies rule the tank they are very hyper and can get very bullish towards each other but never had any problems with it i just love guppies in fact im thinking of buying a new tank to get some more

If you get another tank and want more guppies i can sell you a trio for £3. Either 3 males, 3 females or 1 male and 2 females.


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