simultaneous orange spawns

that sucks wuv, u dont think the disterbance with the airation would of led him to do that? iv heard some males will spaz out and quite on the babys because of lil stuff like that -_-
No, he was fine for hours after that. His father did the same exact thing with his spawn. He did fine and freaked out on the second night. Thankfully I had more fry than I thought with that spawn.

The lone fry has since been recovered :wub: AND I just counted 11 free swimmers in the other tank,with more falling and probably more hidden.
awww poor little fry and wahoo to the lone survivor in the first spawn :wub:

Best of luck with them and tut tut to naughty dad :grr:
BAD DADDY! :angry:

*raises hand*

I hope theres more fry hiding! :wub:

Good Luck Wuv!
Glad you got some. Hopefully the strong have survived, and more will pop out soon!
Yeah,I'm still holding my breath. I dunno if it looks too good,they seem weak. I just went and syphoned out all the corpses in tank two. I know if I was a fry,swimming around my siblings dead scattered bodies wouldn't be too encouraging :( I saw a good 5 or so who were horizontal,but they just scooted along the bottom,no actual swimming -_- I saw a few fall as well....72 hours later,c'mon already!! But the other oranges did that too :dunno:

Lone ranger is MIA once again. I cleaned up that tank a bit too. Now it's just the waiting game :/
Thanks :wub:

I'm still fairly upset with my male. It's good that he feels it's his duty to cull out the weak...I suppose -_- But his opinion of weak and my opinion of weak are completely different, I think. What he see's as a fish 'unfit for this world' I see as 'just gimme a chance,I can make it great!!' I saw those fry,they weren't THAT bad :angry: He just wasn't patient enough! :angry:
Bad,bad picky oranges :grr:
It's too bad that we can't talk to them ya know? Then we could ask them when they're done what they are concerned about, etc :lol: It's funny how we were all so in love with him yesterday morning and now we're all pissed :rolleyes:

I hope they are all ok :/ Especially Lonesome over there, he's a fighter :flex:
Sorrell said:
It's funny how we were all so in love with him yesterday morning and now we're all pissed :rolleyes:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
No kidding!! :lol:

Yeah,it would be nice to know what they know. But here we are thinking they're so deep and complex and his actual reasoning was probably "wow,they're so delicious,I think I'll try another!!" :p :lol:

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