As you know I've had a little spending spree, me and the wife popped up to Gorden Riggs rigs garden center in Rochdale last weekend, and was surprised to see they had some reasonable planted tank gear, more thank what I've seen in local shops.
We also popped in to the Walsden branch on there way, and had a look.
i had a brife chat to one of the lads working there that was in to planted tanks as well, and he said they suppose to be getting a load more specialized gear in the near future (includes pressurized co2 substrates etc etc), along with a good selection of plants.
To get to the crunch, i got a few bargains, a Hagen in line heater for £25, and some superb pieces of bogwood, for £3 and £4.
I put the plants i bought and what do you know I'm almost happy with my tank

I've still plenty to do but its getting there.
Here's a few pics for you all
A full tank shot
The left side, the pic doesn't do it justice.
It was lacking a focal point, so I've added a piece of bogwood with some java moss and Microsorum pteropus Windeløv to pulled the two sides together, but it still needs some tweaking, I'm not happy with the fern.
At the back to give it some height and width I've put a single stem of Eusteralis stellata (which should look as nice when it grows to the surface and turns a nice shade of pink) and some Rotala sp. Nanjenshan, when it fills out it should look good.
Here's my Riccia, i just wanted to try it, but as it grows i might spread it a little and make a sort of rolling hill side, i know its a lot of work but i like the it looks so far and want to try it on a bigger scale.
I'm will end up try HC and gloss as well, as I'm not sure what they will look like.
I'm fed up with the grass now so its got to go.
Here's one of the new shrimp, I've lost six the first day i put them in, and haven't seen the rest since so I'm beginning to think they are fish food.
Here's a couple just because i like them
Eusteralis stellata
Eusteralis stellata and a unknown plant (I'm about 90% sure its a Echindorus of some sort).