ARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its unbelievable just as things start to come to disaster after disaster.
While at work my two year old son has put some water colour paints in my tanks, so now my water is milky green colour.
I've just done a 80% water change and will probably have to do another big one again tomorrow, if i hadn't of killed my fish with the co2 incident

, they would probably be dead now.
On a good note, got a free 3.5kg co2 bottle today, and its about 3/4 full

, spoke to a guy that deals in waste gas bottles and stuff like that, he's going to get me a full 3.5kg co2 bottle for next week free.
So il be able to alternate as they need filling.
For some strange reason my JBL regulator fits the bottle perfect without having to file anything down and the guy that give it to me said its a standard.
The "O" ring on the regulator is a chunky over sized one, well there's another one stuck to the front of the instruction booklet which is thinner, i took it off and replaced it with the thinner one and put a plastic washer at the back job done.
It might be something on new JBL sets i don't know?