Silver/bala Sharks


New Member
Dec 29, 2005
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i have three silver sharks or bala sharks, i have recently noticed them swimming side by side against each other as if they are pushing themselves against one and other, they do this for about 15 minutes before they seem to lose interest, is this fighting? and will they injure each other doing this because it seems quite violent?

Sounds normal enough, how many gallons is the tank.
Hey there!

In order to help, we're gonna need some more info.
How big is the tank you've got?
What else is in there?
What are your water params?
What are you feeding them?

It could be anything from rubbing due to external parasites to some kind of mating behaviour!
the tank is about 30 gallons 3ft x 1.5ft x 1ft

i feed them flake, bloodworm, tubifix, and daphnia

also in the aquarium are 2 angels, 8 tiger barbs, 3 red fin sharks, and 5 cardinals

i was hoping that it would be mating over fighting but have so far been unable to find any info on the mating patterns of these fish

nope they seem to be in good health,
ive not had any problems with either sharks so far, the red fins seem to just mind their own business kinda thing, the balas are only small at the moment, however now that i know they grow to 13" i might have to rehouse them as they get bigger

are they known to fight over authority until they have a pecking order like the barbs do?
The rainbow sharks will start to show more aggression as they get older. Once you see them doing the thing your bala's are doing it's time to rehome them.
The rainbow sharks will start to show more aggression as they get older. Once you see them doing the thing your bala's are doing it's time to rehome them.

Are 'red fin' and 'rainbow' sharks the same thing? I have some albino rainbow sharks and red fin sharks do the same things apply to them both, I had hitherto believed that Rainbow sharks were less agressive than red fin.
The behaviour mentioned above has been under discussion on this list before; apparently it is some sort of socialising behaviour in bala sharks. The tank is still seriously overstocked though.
Its on the same subject and I tried this in another topic but guess inappropriate.
I have two Bala Sharks and they need another would you put in a small Bala to make up the schoal?
They are moving to a 400 Jewel
As I live in Thailand does the board think that returning my 15 (3 bala, 3 red fin and 9 albino rainbows!!) sharks to a suitable river when they start to get big is a possible option?i
Its on the same subject and I tried this in another topic but guess inappropriate.
I have two Bala Sharks and they need another would you put in a small Bala to make up the schoal?
They are moving to a 400 Jewel

i have read on the board that Balas should be the same size otherwise the smaller one is chased incessantly.
Its on the same subject and I tried this in another topic but guess inappropriate.
I have two Bala Sharks and they need another would you put in a small Bala to make up the schoal?
They are moving to a 400 Jewel

i have read on the board that Balas should be the same size otherwise the smaller one is chased incessantly.

i have read on the board that Balas should be the same size otherwise the smaller one is chased incessantly.
That's rubbish put up by people who don't have them.

I know plenty of people with smaller sharks with bigger ones (myself included). I spent a good month with one shark at 2" and the other three around 6" and if anything, they just ignore the smaller one. Now I have three smaller ones and three larger ones and they tend to keep to their own groups and every so often play together. There is no incessant chasing of the sharks.

Besides, the chasing (and rubbing) is a natural thing for shoaling balas to do, but as most people don't keep them in a shoal, few realise the sort of behaviour that is taking place.

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