Silver Arrowanna

A jardini Asian or black arowana would fit into that tank, though a 30" width would be preffered.
pretty big bump, but here's my 30" guy. he get's along with the extremely orange albino oscar, about 8" shovelnose, some footlong pleco(not regular), and a school of small tetras that are very fast. there's a 5" dempsey in there, a 4" tall angel, and two cheap 4"plecos that i just left. he slithers out if he can and goes about 20ft for the dog treat closet is what i've heard from the previous owner. my dog treats are pretty close and i hear he's hard to catch and can touch the ceiling so i've a lot of heavy rock on my lids right now. i'm not sure i'm going to keep him, he just came with the tank as the guy i bought it off of had to move quickly. he's in my 125 show right now with them all until i can unload the guy or get my basement fish room built to support the bigger tanks. it was a hectic week as i traded a 90 for a 135 for the basement room with the plan on the two 100 plus 3 55's in the wall behind the bar saltwater. then i had an incredible deal on this 175 fresh as long as i took the fish with it and a 75. soo now i have some work to do.

HI maeistero, and welcome to the forums.

I think you have missed ID'd or didn't mention 1 of the fish in your tank posted above. The Cichlid with the black spot in the middle of it's body looks like a Geophagus Suriemensis.
Some pics of our Silvers

Very nice!! How many do you have together and how big is the tank, do you have any problems with aggression?
Very nice!! How many do you have together and how big is the tank, do you have any problems with aggression?
We dont have those silvers anymore, they were 26" long, in a 1000 litre tank, we sold them to put a Red Tailed Gold in there, the silvers were fine until a male and a female paired up and beat the ***p out of the other male, but the pair lived in there for nearly 2 years without bothering themselves or the stingrays.

The RTG used to have a Black Aro in there with him but they have been separated now as the Black started to be beaten up, the Black now lives in peace with a Silver in another 1000 litre tank
Very nice!! How many do you have together and how big is the tank, do you have any problems with aggression?
We dont have those silvers anymore, they were 26" long, in a 1000 litre tank, we sold them to put a Red Tailed Gold in there, the silvers were fine until a male and a female paired up and beat the ***p out of the other male, but the pair lived in there for nearly 2 years without bothering themselves or the stingrays.

The RTG used to have a Black Aro in there with him but they have been separated now as the Black started to be beaten up, the Black now lives in peace with a Silver in another 1000 litre tank

ahhhh so you have seperated the black and the RTG steve

i hate to say it but I TOLD YOU IT WOULDNT WORK FOR LONG
Hi Rich :)

Yup, you were right, it seemed to work for a while but the RTG was getting more and more aggressive towards the Black.
The silver and black are pretty good together but I have to admit you were right :p

The RTG is much happier now as well, has an increased appetite and is patrolling the tank like it owns it ( which, of course, it does )
are so youve made it over here steve. shame about the rtg and black. my xback and silver seem to be fine but i dont know how long ill be keeping them together.

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