Silver Arowana


Fish Crazy
Mar 13, 2006
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anybody know anything about these fish all i know is that they grow large ,, what kind of fish can these go with ,,
my sis trying to give me hers
Search arowana in the oddball section, there is plenty of information there :nod:

And unless you have a 6 foot tank, don't take the arowana ;)
but what fish are they ok with ,, my hubby wants his peacock bass in the wall tank ,,

do u think if i had a peacock bass and the arowna would go together
i think i might leave it ,, he will have to go somewhere else to be homed.. thanks anyway
i will ask he what she want to do with it ,,
i dont fancy keeping fish that im unsure about shes just given away a lovelly puffer i could of had that but i know nothing about them fish even though that was so cute .. my sister just had the arowna on his own then a puffer on his own a bit boring i know but thats what she had and shes got buyers for her tanks ,,
never mind ..
thanks guys
Silver Arowana's are great fish to have and one of the most elegant swimmers. I currently have one in my 150 US Gallon tank (and yes, I know a 150 Gallon is too small). Don't put arowana's with any fish that can fit in their mouth, unless you want them eaten. Don't put them with any nippy fish either because they will have a ball nipping at your arowana's long beautiful tail. Lastly, don't put them with any overly agressive fish. I've found in past expiriences that arowana's are very delicate and can't really hold their own against other fish of the same general size.
the arowna is going to wharf aquatics , yeah hes goona get massive ,,
the p.bass will be fine with the silver aro they are a great mix

if you have enought space for the p.bass the the aro should be fine in the same tank

a silver aro needs a tank 7ft x 3ft and i would say the p.bass need the same

silver aros are great fish and not that aggressive if you have the tank space then go for it

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