Silent Filter


New Member
Dec 4, 2008
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I need a silent filter since im going to have my tank in my bedroom I have to be able to buy it in the UK online

Internal or exturnal?

For exturnals, look at Tetratec, Eheim pro, Rena. Tetratec and Rena are both good for light sleeper IME, and Eheim Pro users are always complaining as they have to get their hands wet to find out if their filter is still working... :lol:

For internals, look a Fluval +'s They are the most reliable and quiet internal on the market IME. All others are about the same, and not that great for light sleepers IME

What modle? Well, what size tank do you have?

All the best
Internal or exturnal?

For exturnals, look at Tetratec, Eheim pro, Rena. Tetratec and Rena are both good for light sleeper IME, and Eheim Pro users are always complaining as they have to get their hands wet to find out if their filter is still working... :lol:

For internals, look a Fluval +'s They are the most reliable and quiet internal on the market IME. All others are about the same, and not that great for light sleepers IME

What modle? Well, what size tank do you have?

All the best
HaHa, I know that was Rab anticipating me giving one of my usual raves about the eheim. But its true, our eheim pro, which I only looked into after a fair amount of help from members here when I was doing my research, is just an awesomly (that must be a word, my kid says it all the time, lol) quiet piece of machinery. It could be that the tetratecs are just as quiet and cost less... not sure as I haven't heard one of those. Yes, and agree we've heard good things of the Fluval internals.

My fluval 304 is SILENT!

Considering the racket my 404 made, that realy supprises me... It ran in the downstears Dining room, inside a closed cupboard, with the door into the room shut. It could be herd at the opposit end of the house through another closed door, in an upstears bedroom :crazy: Definately not "quiet". The constant droaning hum at work is the three Fluval exturnals running, and it makes the environemnt very noisy to work in indead :sad:

The 05's start off quiet, but then so did most of the 04 range. Time will tell...

All the best
i've found rena's aprticularly noisy, but only had 1 so can't say if it's all of them or just that one that was bad!
Yeah, this discussion reminds me that nothing stays perfect forever without some really good maintenance and on my eheim so far I've only done the relatively easy habit of re-lubricating all the o-rings each time. But what I really need to learn is how to take the impeller and its shaft and whatever other little parts are associated with it out and clean and inspect and maintain them. I figure I could perhaps learn that in a thread over in the hardware section. I've been guilty of leaving it as a mystery and just hoping they stay tough for a long time, but it would be so much better to cross this hurdle now and learn how to do it right. I assume there would be things you could inspect for that would tell you when a part needed replacing prior to it going out on you hopefully.

~~waterdrop~~ :/
and Eheim Pro users are always complaining as they have to get their hands wet to find out if their filter is still working

err yeah assuming they can't see the water coming out of the outlet pipe or they can't see the float ball in the filter...

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