
cutecotton said:
BlueIce said:
cutecotton said:
she just knew that she had 2 angelfish.

She's just so naive about the fish it makes me sad :-( she wanted to put a betta in the tank but i convinced her not to becuase all her other fish would be killed.
i think i'm missing something...

exactly why would having a betta kill her other fish? :blink:
becuase she's taking a huge risk when she doens't even know what's in her tank. For all i know she could have gouramis in there, she coul dhave guppies and other fishies that bettas wont' like :(

anyway si've tried to tell her that she should reserach the fish, but she just deosn't CARE enough to do it you konw. i can undersatnd it becuase some people would just use fish as a pretty "decoration" and show it to firends/relatives when poeple come over. and then there are poeple who have fish just so they can take care of them.
I still don't understand.
I kept betta's for years,had them spawn and raised young several times...
had some in with guppies,gourami,mollys etc

never ever ever once had a betta attack another fish...never ..let alone kill one.

now another fish may nip betta fins or kill it..but a betta as a killer? :blink:

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