Sid's 60L Attempt

Lst night I pulled up some of the hygro from the left hand side - I didn't have the heart to take it all out. In the space left I put some more crypts - the little ones that had been growing from the other ones. I also cleaned the glass, inside and out. I think it was looking better, although a bit cloudy so I didn't take photos - I will try to take some this evening.

I still think the rest of the hygro should go to make it look more open (although I do quite like the jungle look), but that may leave it looking a bit empty.

Also if I did that it would just be crypt and java fern - are there any other plants that would go well in there. I was thinking of some moss, but I'm not sure because the wood is fairly upright, I tried to tie some on before and failed, and I wouldn't know what sort of moss or where to get it from.

I'll try to post pics tomorrow.

Thanks Minnnt and Aquamaniac. It's not entirely what I had planned but it looks ok.

A better camera? Any camera would be a start instead of using my phone. My flatmate does photography and has a posh camera, if I buy him some beers he may help out (and it will be good for him to try taking photos of something different).
Good news; I have more photos. Bad news; they're still from my phone.

After removing some of the hygro from the lef hand side, and planting some more crypt-lings, the fts looks like this:


(not that much different, but I think looking tidier - more hygro will be removed gradually - having taken some out the rest looks tatty near the bottom)

Having cleaned the glass I thought I'd put some pics of the sides. The left hand side is pretty much what I see from my bed.
From the right:


From the left:


You can see the patch of new crypts, looking a bit sparse. (Also some fake ivy from th outside - I've trailed it over the pipes and filter to cover it - bit tacky, but kind of nice)

I thought this pic from the top was nice:


Some fish (black neons and a black phantom)


And a wide angle fts:


Any comments or suggestions welcome. Over the next few weeks I'll try and carry on swapping the hygro out, and also see if I can get some better photos taken by a better photographer with a better camera.


Seeing all of the other tanks on here makes me want to set up a bigger tank. And other small tanks. Just loads more in fact.
Time for an update:

Last weekend I took out the hygro, which was looking a little ragged on the bottom although the top was growing well. I have moved around some crypts because I had lots of runners. But now it's looking a bit thin...

So I would like some advice - it looks empty at the back, and around the wood, but I dont know whether to just let it all grow out or plant something else or move things around a bit. Any opinions, about what to do, where to move/plant things would be welcome.

So, here's how it's looking at the moment:



Thanks in advanced

Some Rotala Rotundifolia would go well in the rear left corner. I would move the Crypts back which will give you space to add some kind of carpeting plant. Maybe Pogostemon Helferi would work well and offer a nice contrast to the Crypts.
Time for a few updated pics.

I moved the wood from the centre towards the back left corner. I think I like this better, because the branches sticking up are more central.

I moved the Anubias from the gravel (where is wasn't doing great, despite flowering), and wedged it at the base of the branches - so hopefully it will do better there.

I bought a single pot of Pogostemon Helferi (because there were only a few pots in my LFS and none of them looked brilliant. Since then my local Pets at home have had a delivery of loads of plants, all looking brilliant, so in future I'll keep a look out in PaH). I have 2 small areas of Pogostemon Helferi, and I'm going to see how it goes.


I think it does look good against the crypts. And the Java fern at the back is spreading out and looking good (now it just needs a bit of height).

And finally a FTS:

As ever, comments, suggestions and advice welcome.

(I am still wating for an opportunity to get my flatmate to take some better pics on his camera)

I just thought I'd add this pic. It was taken from above the tank last night after a quick waterchange and after the lights had gone out.


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