Sid's 60L Attempt


Fish Fanatic
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
Portsmouth, UK
This is my first attempt at a journal and a first ‘proper’ attempt at a planted tank.

I have asked some pre-set up questions already and got some helpful answers. So as some background/plans (from my other post, before deciding to start a journal):

“I have an old Orca TL-450, which will be totally stripped out (take out all the filer/stuff in the back and take the lid off – the lights have gone, and the fans were horrible – so it’ll basically just be the glass box part of it).

Ideally I would like something that’s low tech – I’m happy to use a DIY yeast based CO2 system (if needed) and maybe go from there.

Plant-wise, I’m not really sure – easy to grow things really, perhaps some moss, maybe something to carpet the bottom (I’m open to suggestions). I will hopefully being using some bogwood and aim for a natural look.

Lighting – I have no idea – the tank is around 400mm wide. Can anyone recommend what sort of light, power, etc would be suitable (and fit)?

Filtration – Again no really sure, I was going to get an external filter. Would I be aiming for about 10x turnover? The tank holds around 58 litres – so again, any recommendations?

Substrate – I have some old Eco Complete from a previous tank (all washed and stored) – would that still be ok?

Stocking – I have some black neons that I will move over from other tank – I may add some more of those. Perhaps some cherry red shrimps. And maybe some Otos.”

From this, with help from Minnnt, Steveo and SLIM (thanks), I have decided on/ordered:
Arcadia Ellipse 18W freshwater light
TetraTEC EX 600
Use my old EcoComplete – although I may need a top up with just some black sand
Not to add my black neons – get something a bit smaller (a small shoal), add some cherry red shrimps and otos (but at a later stage when the tank is more mature/has grown some algea).
Not to use DIY CO2. Instead to dose with Flourish excel and Tropica Plant Nutrition (TPN+).

Also for hardscape I am on the look out for some decent pieces of wood (found none so far).

I will be looking into HC as a carpet, some moss to attach to the wood, and I’m not entirely sure what else.

Progress will be slow – I’m in no rush.

So to get things kicked off – The Orca has been stripped, the easiest bit was to take the lid off, then cut out the back with all the filter and such in it (it was pretty well silicone’d up) and give it all a clean. I have ordered a lot of the above items, and they are on their way (hopefully).

Here is (possibly) the first pic. The lid to the Orca.

More pics to follow, once I know this one has worked.

That’s it for now.


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Some more pics from my phone...

Here is the tank with the back still in place. I was pretty nervous about using a stanley blade to cut the silicone because i didn't want to damage the take or the seals on the actual tank.


This left a mess in the tank.

(Is there a good way of uploading more than one pic per post... I'll try shrinking the pics even more)

The empty mess
(I have a pic of the equipment that I took out, but it's not that interesting)

Are you doing it off your phone? If doing it from the computer then upload the pictures to photobucket and then copy and paste the IMG code into a new reply on here.
This weekend, the light arrived, as did another delivery (probably the filter) which annoyingly I 'missed' - I was in, and my landlord was even in the building and didn't hear anything, no buzzer, no knocking on the door but a little slip saying 'we're sorry to have missed you...'. But it's ok, I will pick it up on Wednesday.

The light is fitted - just, it really didn't fit on the rim of the orca very well, so I've got it wedged on in a slightly unprofessional way. But it's been there all weekend (over the tank with no water), and hasn't fallen off so I guess it'll hold.

And here with the light on.


I'm doing it from my phone at the moment. But if photo bucket will be easier (and if it looks good enough that I can show people) then I'll try and give that a go (I'll try setting it up this week).

I'm going to head to some local shops soon to find a decent bit of wood that I like (I've had a look in a couple of places so far).

And are there any good websites to order plants from? Having a look around some local fish shops there doesn't seem to be a lot of options. Not that I know what plants I want yet.

Last Trading Post on ebay. You can get a 40 plant mixed pack for about £9 i think. You will get alot of stems though, so if you want crypts, vallis, java fern or anubias then you will have to buy them seperately.

I have a small piece of anubias nana on some bogwood for a fiver plus a couple of quid postage if you're interested? It's in the classifieds on here if you are. :D
I have no real updates of putting it all together, but the filter arrived - it's huge! And I have bought some black gravel to top up the levels of Eco-Complete that I already had.

I haven't forgotten, I just haven't done much.

I will be giving some thought to plants soon - and I will definitely be here looking for advice.

Hopefully this weekend I will make some progress.

I’m still lacking some decent hard-scape. I have some bits of wood that I’ve used for previous tanks, but I don’t really like them that much – so I’m still not sure what to do in that respect.

I’ve been thinking about plants and I have some ideas/questions:

- HC – does this refer to Hemianthus callitrichoides? Someone suggested this, I quite like this idea as a carpet (hopefully)

- I’ve seen pics of a foreground/carpet plant that looks like really fine leafed grass. Does anyone know what I’m talking about (not usually) and the name of the plant? Since I don’t know the name I don’t know whether it would be suitable for my tank.

- cryptocoryne wendtii – as a mid-ground plan. Hopefully around some wood

- Java fern – same as above (but on the wood)

- Weeping or Christmas moss (on the wood)

- Back ground plants – Any suggestions? I’ve tried Vallis before without any success, and I feel it would be too big for my tank. I’ve tried Cabomba and since learnt that it’s not the easiest plant to grow.

This weekend I’ll be looking to position the tank, add substrate, light, heater and filter plus do some more shopping around all the LFS that I can find. Then next week hopefully order the plans that I’d like and get everything planted the weekend after.

(It’s good to have a plan).

Hopefully more photo updates this weekend,

Sounds like you have it well thought out mate, I wouldn't bother with the HC as 11w over 60L your gonna really struggle there, I'd have a go with Hairgrass (Eleocharis Parvula) that's the one you mentioned I believe, the grassy type carpet, very slow growing but that's what you need with your lighting. The Java Fern, Crypts and Moss you mentioned will be fine in there and if I were you I'd use the Java Fern as your background or some large Crypts. Good luck dude. :)
Hey Steveo,

Thanks - yes hairgrass - I knew it was a name that I should remember.

I have the 18W light if that makes an difference. Would that make HC more do-able?

Thanks again,

Oh yeah, defo, I grow a nice lawn of it in a 60L with an 18w eclispe, have a look in my journal, Cuban Delight.

Shameless promotion lol
Do me a favour and double check your light bulb as my 18w is much wider than that one, yours looks like an 11w which is why I assumed.
Your tank is awesome. I'd be happy if mine turned out even half as good as yours.

You're right, your light does look a lot whiter than mine. The box definitely says 18W (because i have a pic on my phone) - but I will check the bulb when I get home and I'll let you know.


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