i only have the one tank so not really appart from putting him in a bucket without filter or heater.i live in glasgow
Increase aeration as the medication will reduce 02 in the water.
Add anti internal bacteria medication by interpet.
If any changes don't hesitate to post back.
If his breathing gets worse dilute the medication down with a water change.
Thanks. Will give that a go. How often should I change the water at the moment?
Just preform a gravel vac and water change before adding the medication.
Just check water stats before you redose.
The medication safe on your good bacteria colony.
Just keep an eye on his flicking and rubbing. It can be anything from bad water quality, external parasites,
internal parasites, bacterial, medications due to irritation of the skin, etc.
Hows the platy doing?
I looked at the interpet but have a shrimp however I have now managed to isolate him in a bucket with filter and heater. He sometimes looks fine but then starts all the flashing again. I have stopped with the melafix. He is hiding in a rock so can't really get a good look at him but still nothing obviously wrong. He does have some redining of one of his gills, could it be due to the flashing?
Seemed to eat normally this morning although was a bit slow on realising there was food.
so he was sitting in his hospital tank and i thought i heard him hit off the side a few times so went to have a look at him and he jumped out. i put him back in, must have only been out for 15s max but now he is sitting on the bottom completely still. only his gills are moving. any chnace of him surviving?
Does he show any of these symptoms.
Signs of skin, eye, gill flukes are.
White specs on the lens of the fish eye.
Red inflamed gills, pale gills with excess slime, bleeding gills.
Opaque body with excess slime.
Flicking and rubbing.
Darting, erratic swimming.
Laboured breathing, or gasping at surface of tank.
Swimming in a jerky movement.
Spitting food out.
Weight loss.
Listless and lethargic.(later stages)
Red sores, or tiny red pin prick marks on fish body, fins.
Secondary bacterial infections.
He was swimming erratically before I put him in Qt and now he is in there I can't get a proper look at him as he is in a large bucket with filter and heater. But yes gasping, flashing, swimming erratically, not eating and sitting still. Picked up some waterlife sterazin and have started treating him with that today. Once/if he gets better will swap him with the shrimp and treat the whole tank. Only not treating hole tank at the moment as have no where to put the shrimp and as he was I'll was being chased really badly by other fish.

Do I need to treat the whole tank sooner (2 weeksish) or will it be ok as all others behaving normally or would shrimp be okay without a heater?
Gill flukes can take a time to get rid of. As you have to keep treating to kill of the younger one's as
they hatch.
You go in with the 1st course. than you have to repeat treatment again to make sure there completely gone.
Then 3 to 4 weeks later dose again.
You have to also back up with a bacterial medication. 
The hooks of the parasite carry a nasty bacteria which enters the bloodstream of the fish once it pierces the skin.
Have you noticed any flicking and rubbing in the main tank?

I've never kept shrimp so don't know much about them.
You can pick pretty small tanks up with all the equipment needed for a reasonable price.
No. I haven't seen any in the main tank but would it be safer to dose it anyway?
So if I do my course of sterazin, leave it48hrs and do a water change then go for melafix for bacteria? And repeat 3 weeks later?

Apparently shrimp can live at 18' which is roughly the lowest our flat gets so I can just put him in a bucket and change the water if needed. He is only a cherry so won't produce much waste.
It sounds fine them to put the shrimp in the bucket and add the medication to the main tank.
I would use internal bacteria medication by interpet as the bacteria internal.
Melafix is only an external medication.

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