Sick Guppies Please Help

Sounds like a bad strain of columnaris to me.
What the name of the antibiotic you are using?
Guppies continue to die...I am attaching pics of the white patches that some of the guppies have. The water looks green due to the antifungal/antibacterial meds. Anyone recognize this?
What the temp of the tank?
How long has you been using the meds now?
What's the name of the meds you are using?
The temp is 76. I am using API Fungus Cure. It says to dose the tank wait 48 hours and dose again. I did the second dose yesterday. I did a water change prior to adding the second dose and will do a larger one tomorrow as the treatment will be done. I had four guppies with the white patch shown in the picture. All were moved to a hospital tank immediately and no others in the main tank have developed any in the last 48 hours.
If you live in the united states I would switch to maracyn one and two.
I know this sounds a bit daft,but are you sure the dwarf frogs aren't attacking them and are they definately dwarf frogs and not clawed frogs?

Is you media still in a bucket,has it won't last without a supply of ammonia to feed it.
Yes I am sure they are african dwarfs not clawed. They are still pretty small and have never seen them go after the fish. They usually run from the fish.

Wilder. I will go get some tomorrow. I checked and the lfs store carries both. Which is better? Can I treat with fry in the tank? I came home today and found a couple.
Tocover all bases you need to use maracyn one and two together.

It would be far better if you could isolate the fry. As you can only half dose with fry in the tank.
Or isolate the sick fish and treat.

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