Sick Fish!

Thanks all :flowers:

Hopefully he is in fishie heaven swimming about and making bubblenests! He was the one that started my whole betta craze. :wub: Cutical :wub:
Thought maybe this would cheer you up... © to yours truly, of course.

Swimming Under the Rainbow Bridge
Every day, in aquariums, pet stores, and private homes, fish pass away, often times largely unnoticed. Many suffered in their last days or hours, grappling with disease, being attacked by tankmates, or having their bodies trapped against filters when they grew too weak to swim. So few fish have lived well on this earth, being used as decorations or throw-away pets instead of being recognized as the special individuals that each and every one of them are.
Thankfully for them, there is a better place.
We have all heard about the Rainbow Bridge, where dogs and cats and other pets cross over into the next life, where they run and play healthy and whole until their special person comes to retrieve them one day. What most people do not know is that there is a beautiful, flowing creek running under the Rainbow Bridge, leading to many vast lakes, swamps, rivers, and even oceans, where fish can live in bliss and harmony after what is all too often a short life of suffering.
You see, when a fish passes away, his spirit leaves the pain of his body and enters warm, flowing waters. There, he finds himself whole; tattered fins are restored, fungus-clogged gills are free and functional, open wounds are healed, and "pinecone" scales lay flat. There are other fish there, but none of them chase, nip fins, or threaten. The current is never too strong, the water temperature is always just right, and there and plants and rocks to hide amongst - not that there is anything to fear. Social fish swim close with their peers, while solitary species always have enough space for comfort. They all travel through these peaceful waters in one great school towards their destination.
Eventually, the waters of the creek are illuminated with the technicolor glow of the beautiful rainbow arching high above. Cats, dogs, rabbits - every animal you can imagine - cavorts above them, but the fish needn't fear predation or harm. As they flow beneath the rainbow, they come to a crossroads; little streams leading to the ideal habitat of each species. There are warm stretches of rice paddies for the bettas. There are cool, vegetated ponds for the goldfish and koi. Bright, welcoming reefs greet the oceanic fish, and warm, freshwater ponds, rivers, and creeks spread wide for the tropical species.
The fish huddle at the crossroads tentatively, nervous of what awaits them next. Maybe some are unused to wide spaces, others have never seen anything resembling their natural habitat. Some are afraid larger fish will eat them if they break away from the group. But finally, one will swim fowards. His fins will wriggle with excitement, and he will zip through the water gleefully, towards his new home in the next life. There, he will find others of his kind, though a fight will never occur. Food will be plentiful and living, not freeze-dried or pelleted. There will be no harsh lights or noisy filters, because the waters here are always ideal for their inhabitants.
And perhaps, if the fish had a special someone who cared in their life, that person will one day sit by the lake or shore or riverbed, where he or she will be recognized by a beloved pet. A flick of the fins and a friendly snout poking through the water's surface will reunite the two at last, with the message passed between them:
It's all going to be ok now...
Aww R.I.P
As they say, Theres plenty more fish in the sea :p (Sometimes i don't know when to or not to joke :blink: ) Sorry if you took that the wrong way.
But seriously we all know how it feels to lose a betta, In a strange way it's part of your life- Your routine, Nobody likes change but everyone has to live with it. I'm sure you will find another betta soon and you will look after him just as well as you last.
And as Liz said, lfs often lie about the age- I doubt it was anything you did wrong. Disease comes by age. You can't stop it all.
James :good:
Thanks for the condolence everyone. :) There is so much positivity on this forum, it's very refreshing! I really enjoyed reading Swimming Under the Rainbow Bridge Very nice RandomWiktor! Well, I'm hoping to go fish shopping soon so I can create a new bond with another great fishy. :wub: Thanks again :)
Well best of luck.
Sometimes they have such personalitys not really expected in a fish.
They become your friend and companion not just something in a bowl.
When mine become ill it really upsets me.
I'm sure you will find a new one soon. Perhaps try and rescue one or buy one from when it is only small.
RIP to your guy. :-( Sounds like he had a great life and even perked up for you his last few days. :flowers:

As a friend once said... pets have short lives because we people are the strong ones and we can withstand the loss, so that we continue to take care of more pets in our lives.
What a beautiful guy. Sorry he didn''t make it. You did what you could do for him and that's all you could do. Sounds like he went out happy and is flaring away at everyone in his betta afterlife. You're a pretty good fish mom and he was lucky to have you!

PS--wendy wonderful quote. So comforting.

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