This morning I noticed my oldest betta was acting very strange.. he's moving very slow and he keeps floating to the bottom on his side. The fins he swims with (dunno what they're called, sorry..) aren't like my other bettas.. instead of spreading out they come in to a point. I don't think they were like that before.
One of his eyes does look a tinnyyy bit poofy. But that could just be the angle that I'm looking at him from..
He's in clean water (changed it yesterday) with salt and betta revive.
Does anyone know what this is or how I could save him?
One of his eyes does look a tinnyyy bit poofy. But that could just be the angle that I'm looking at him from..
He's in clean water (changed it yesterday) with salt and betta revive.
Does anyone know what this is or how I could save him?