Hi all! I'm a new member, a new cory mom, and relatively new to aquaria.
I have two small (0.5 - 0.75") corys who I've had for about 3 weeks. The fish store where I got them said they were aeneus corys, but I'm really not sure and fish stores have given me bad info more times than I can count.
They're currently sharing a tank with 2 fancy goldfish. We lost a fancy goldfish shortly after we got the corys. The vet said she thought it was a tumor and we think maybe she swallowed a piece of gravel. So it probably wan't infectious. But to be safe, everyone is getting a course of PraziPro and Jungle Anti-Parasite food. We're midway through the Prazi treatment.
One of the corys seems very healthy, active, eats well, etc. The other one, who is smaller, spends most of his time hiding. Even when I feed them, he doesn't participate in the feeding frenzy, although after a while he will go scavenge in the gravel or on the fake rock. He is able to swim perfectly well, but seems to get tired easily. Sometimes he just about convinces me he's fine, and then he goes back to being "off".
We finally got out the magnifying glass to look at him and he has a white spot behind his gill on the left side. It's about level with his eye. It looks raised to me, as if something were "stuck" to him. The edges aren't well defined and a couple times it looked like maybe it had a "streamer" coming from it. (He's such a small fish that it's hard to tell. And he's too small to get a decent photo.)
I have no idea of what this is or what to do about it. I don't know if it's some sort of infection or if we ended up with a cory with congenital problems.
The environment:
37 G Eclipse tank
2 small (1.5-2 in each)fantail goldfish
2 small corycats (.75 in each)
PH 7.7
NH3 0
NO2 0
NO3 0 (tested multiple times with two test kits)
Hardness 100-125
Alk 100
Temp averages about 70.7, which I know is colder than they like.
Fluval 250 canister filter
Marineland filter/biowheel
We use RO water with RO Right.
I've really grown attached to the corys and want to do whatever I can for this guy. Does anyone have any idea of what's wrong and/or what I should do to help?
I have two small (0.5 - 0.75") corys who I've had for about 3 weeks. The fish store where I got them said they were aeneus corys, but I'm really not sure and fish stores have given me bad info more times than I can count.
They're currently sharing a tank with 2 fancy goldfish. We lost a fancy goldfish shortly after we got the corys. The vet said she thought it was a tumor and we think maybe she swallowed a piece of gravel. So it probably wan't infectious. But to be safe, everyone is getting a course of PraziPro and Jungle Anti-Parasite food. We're midway through the Prazi treatment.
One of the corys seems very healthy, active, eats well, etc. The other one, who is smaller, spends most of his time hiding. Even when I feed them, he doesn't participate in the feeding frenzy, although after a while he will go scavenge in the gravel or on the fake rock. He is able to swim perfectly well, but seems to get tired easily. Sometimes he just about convinces me he's fine, and then he goes back to being "off".
We finally got out the magnifying glass to look at him and he has a white spot behind his gill on the left side. It's about level with his eye. It looks raised to me, as if something were "stuck" to him. The edges aren't well defined and a couple times it looked like maybe it had a "streamer" coming from it. (He's such a small fish that it's hard to tell. And he's too small to get a decent photo.)
I have no idea of what this is or what to do about it. I don't know if it's some sort of infection or if we ended up with a cory with congenital problems.
The environment:
37 G Eclipse tank
2 small (1.5-2 in each)fantail goldfish
2 small corycats (.75 in each)
PH 7.7
NH3 0
NO2 0
NO3 0 (tested multiple times with two test kits)
Hardness 100-125
Alk 100
Temp averages about 70.7, which I know is colder than they like.
Fluval 250 canister filter
Marineland filter/biowheel
We use RO water with RO Right.
I've really grown attached to the corys and want to do whatever I can for this guy. Does anyone have any idea of what's wrong and/or what I should do to help?