Sick Betta - Fin Rot?


New Member
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
Tank size:
nitrite: -----> can't remem which one is which, nitrate or nitrite - one is 20, one is 0
kH: 15
gH: 8
tank temp: 26

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

his fin's are completely ratty - not full bodied anymore - still same nice red colour but all ripped up ish. Looks to me like fin rot. He was breeding, then ate the fry so he was removed to another tank. He stays in the corner mainly and will only take live food - so giving him daphnia and brine shrimp. He was fine up until this morning, and he's been in the newest tank a few days (it has mature water in it from another tank)

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 15% weekly, but only done one as he hasnt been in there long

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: stress coat and stress zyme with water changes along with a pinch of salt

Tank inhabitants: just him

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Exposure to chemicals: none.

i have some out of date melafix, by 2 years, but i think this killed my last guppy so not using it.

We really need to know the results for your ammonia and nitrite.
Finrot can be caused by poor water quality so need to rule that out first.
I'd get some more Melafix when you go to the lfs as it's always useful to have in an emergency. ;)
if nitrite is NO2 then its 0 mg/l
no3 is around 20 mg/l

don't know ammonia, dont have a test kit 4 that, but ive never rlly had a prob b4 when i did have a test kit for that

just doing another test now. there wasnt salt b4 in water until last night, so im doing another water change adding no salt
If you go to your lfs for the Melafix then get them to check your ammonia just to be on the safe side.
You need to start treatment as soon as you can as it will only get worse I'm afraid.
yeah gd idea. also, dunno if it might do anything - but would the filter have harmed him? its v small but does blow him about a bit in the 3 gallon tank

also should i get melafix or something specifically for fin rot - anti bacterial summin or other, coz the shop sold me the old melafix last week so wont have any in date stuff. and i cant get to another shop till weekend
Debatable this but i'd certainly say to go with a decent anti-bacterial if you are convinced you have rot rather than environmental damage, IMO melafix isn't strong enough for some of the bacteria associated with fin-rot.
Debatable this but i'd certainly say to go with a decent anti-bacterial if you are convinced you have rot rather than environmental damage, IMO melafix isn't strong enough for some of the bacteria associated with fin-rot.

yeah think i will, pretty convinced seen as his fins are tatty all over not just in one place.
I'd personally stick with the Melafix as I've used it and know of other people who have used it with great success. You could try Bettafix which I believe, is just as effective.
You could try one of the anti-bacterial medications but I've found they are not very effective. You could always start him off on meds and if there are no signs of improvement try the Melafix when you get some. You may have to give the meds a few days to work before adding anything else and you'll also need to do a water change before starting the new medication. Remember to only use half the recommended dose of Melafix with Bettas as they can be quite sensitive.
As for your filter, is there any way that you can adjust the flow? Bettas prefer minimal flow or still water so this may be bothering him.
the flow is as low as it will go.

spose i can put the ornament directly in front to stop flow so much

so should i get meds for a few days, in the meantime get some melafix, if no improvement with meds give melafix?

not that i would let him go like it, but how long roughly before he would die with finrot?
Have you done a water change at all?
If not, then it would be best to do one now of about 30% in case there is ammonia in the tank.
Is he struggling to come up for air?
If so, then it would be best to either place him in a breeding net or lower the water level so he hasn't got so far to swim.
I'd definitely start treating with medication as soon as possible just to prevent the rot from spreading further.
no seems ok going up when he wants, should i put the net in there for him neway? its just that if any fish has gone to the bottom b4 with me they have died soon after...and yes did a 15% change earlier, and 25% just now
I'd put the net in just so he doesn't struggle so much. He may not be feeling at his best because of the finrot and it's probably more of an effort for him to keep swimming up for air.

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