Sick Algae Eater, Not Positive What's Wrong Or What To Do

Oh, I got a filter a few days ago. Not sure if I mentioned that yet. So I'm going to get a test kit this weekend if I can, and keep a close eye on the water.
Keep doing daily water changes? Okay, I'll do that. Thanks!
You said you were sending your sister out for the filter, but hadn't said whether she'd made it home yet ;)
That would be fine but ideally, you want a whole test kit as it's not just Ammonia that you're going to be testing. 
From the same website, for only $24.99 you'll get 4 more tests:
High range pH
As Josh said, you really should get a kit that has all those elements. Different conditions call for different tests. It's really one of the more important things to buy for your fishkeeping hobby.
The problem is that I have only my sister to help me buy fish supplies, and $25 is more than she's willing to pay. Upon further research, I found three different test kits, one for ammonia--the one I showed you--one for nitrite, and one for pH. Altogether it's about $20, so not a lot less, so either way it's more than she can help me pay for right now.
Either way, I'm most likely going to have to spend all week working for some more money before I pay my sister the money I owe her for the filter, and then get the test kit(s). I'm okay with this--I like working and staying busy. I just hope I can find enough to do to earn money soon!
Again, thanks for the help! I didn't even notice at first that the test kit I found only tests for ammonia!
If you can't afford the essentials then maybe fish keeping isn't the hobby for you. However, once you have everything that you need, it can be pretty cheap and enjoyable - until of course you want more and more tanks!
The test kit is what you need to be aiming for ASAP, then you can move on. Until then, you're just going to have to do regular water changes and hope that it's enough to keep the levels under control.
Good luck!

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