Thanks for the tip! I'll take a look.
My sister is going to town now and has offered to buy a filter and more conditioner for me. I carefully checked every filter offered at the pet store's website, and made sure that the one I chose removes ammonia and nitrates and adds oxygen and is okay for my size aquarium. I'll have it before the end of the day.
As for my algae eaters... the sick one passed away about an hour ago. ;-; I'm going to keep the other one for now, but if any trouble happens soon, I'll return it. If not, it's staying. If it causes trouble when it grows up, I'll separate them. Is that okay?
Thank you for all the help so far! Is there anything else I absolutely need to know before getting adjusted?
There is no filter you can buy at the pet store that will remove ammonia and nitrates. That only happens after the filter media has been cycled and houses bacteria that can "eat" the ammonia and nitrites (not nitrates).
When you can, get yourself the liquid test kit so you can keep track of your water stats. Don't get the strips.
You can do whatever you like with your GAE, but by the time it grows up and gets aggressive it will likely be too late. Not to scare you, but a friend of mine gave me a Chinese algae eater when it was still young, and before I knew anything about them. He went into my tank of guppies, and everything was fine for several months. Then one morning I woke up to about half a dozen half chewed up guppies thanks to that CAE. Just sayin'.
Was it possible that you may have treat your tank with an algae removing treatment, having your algae eaters eating dead/poisoned algae could also lead to their demise.
Ahh, got it. How do I cycle it?
Oh yes, nitrites, that's what I meant. Sorry, it was a typo. ^-^'
Shoot, forgot the test kit! I'll have to get that another day, but I will as soon as I can.
No, I don't use anything to kill algae. I clean it up myself.
Click on the link at the bottom of my sig which will take you right to the Beginner's Resource Center, and that will lead you through the cycling process. And of course, if you have ANY questions, please ask!
And again, thank you to everyone for being so patient with me. My mistake cost a fish its life and that makes me feel awful. I just hope I can get everything settled and okay before something else bad happens.
I'm certainly looking forward to getting everything sorted out so I--and my fish--can enjoy my tank! And I will certainly be coming here with all my fish questions from now on.
I suspect there will still be an unhealthy amount of ammonia left in the water, so whilst you get the test kit, I would suggest you change about 50% of the water daily.