Sick Albino Catfish

Salt is actually very toxic to a lot of catfish, i'm not sure if the channel catfish is tolerant of salt, but i wouldn't advise using salt in the pond until you know it isn't harmful for your particular type of catfish.
There shouldn't be ammonia in a healthy pond, so something has gone must have gone amiss to cause an ammonia reading. What are the ponds dimensions (length, width, height) and what fish do you have exactly, what are their numbers in each type of fish, and what are their sizes roughly?
jeezz ppl i no the answer. its an albino channel catfish i assume. and they are nown to change colors from white to a light grey to a light brown. again i catch albino channels verry often wile fishing in the mississippi river. i dont think it is anything serious if its just changing colors.
and the "red spots" if they look kinda like big pimples on there skin then its just them stinging each other over teritory. or it could be because its spawning time for them and thats what they do. whats ur water temp? catfish spawn at 72ºF
NO SALT FOR CHANNEL CATS. unless u want a dead and lumpy one. (tryed)

and btw channels probably arnt a good fish for a back yard pond.. considering they get to around 15 pounds and 5 ft long.
when we got the house, we were told that it was a 2500 gallon pond. Dimensions ~ 12' long 10' wide 3 1/2' deep. we have 2 albino catfish ~ 12" long; 3 koi (8-12" each); 2 koi ~ 4" ea; 6 goldfish ~ 4-6" each.
Also, thank you for the info on the catfish colors! Very helpful tidbits! We most certainly would not have picked these catfish for a pond, but we inherited them and have to figure out what to do to keep all of our fish healthy. Thanks everyone for your continued help!!

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