Shy Male Ray


Fish Gatherer
Jan 15, 2006
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im still having trouble with the new p14 i picked up last mont so i took a video to show the guys in holland that all the other rays are going great and trying to breed all the time for some reason the new rays doesnt want to interact with the other rays or even feed well

they have said they will replace it if it doesnt make it but i never give up easy but this one is proving to be garder than normal

anyways hears the vid as you can see the lager male wants the female bad and it wont be long now :D
Awwww, poor little guy, lets hope he comes around.

That females not giving it up easily is she, prehaps you should leave some bacardi breezers or something in the tank to loosen her up a bit :lol:
Lol, hes not giveing up!
Lovely rays, just hope he gets better :good:

hope he settles in ok maybe it will take longer than you long has he been in there now?
its been a month now and i havnt see him eat any big food

i have been told they will replace him if anything goes wrong but i dont like to be beatern
it is good of them to replace him if the worst happens :/ did frank have any ideas to what is wrong with him?
it is good of them to replace him if the worst happens :/ did frank have any ideas to what is wrong with him?
no one seams to know all the other rays are fine as you can see from the video they are happy enought to try to breed but he has been like that from day 1
i have never killed a ray and this one is not shy anymore :D
OMG that video was total ray-porn! He's game isn't he, lol

Seriously though, they are just fantastic, I could watch them all day (not mating, I mean I'm not some kind of ray-pervert or anything!)
It must be amazing to be able to see them swimming about like that all the time. I am so impressed with them.
so is it eating properly yet?im still having trouble with my little male ive tried soaking prawns in bloodworms overnight but he wont touch them.he has only just started taking earthworms yesterday so im gonna soak the prawns in worm blood and see if that works later
ok, and that last post was enough to put me off owning one forever. I'll go back to the catfish forums now. :sick:
maybe this will change your mind suzie

Oh dear rays!
Darn it, I still want them :wub: maybe I can persuade Dan to do anything gross involving worm-blood.
Jeeze, do worms even have blood? I did not need to know that :blink:

Do they come to hand at all? or can they be "trained" to do this? I know I have handled some kind of spiney ray before that were all about being touched, they were so cool, but they were big too, I'd never have enough room for those.

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