shubunkin goldfish. i bought my beautiful goldfish about one and a half years ago. the fish guy at petco

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do you have any pictures of the Moluccan and umbrella cockatoos?

what colour zebra finches do you have, normal grey or mutations?

how did you end up with a 1 eyed blue jay?
my neighbors brought me a baby bluejay. they said their cat was going to catch it. they knew back home i had volunteered at REGI- raptor rehabilitation center. you can google it. the founders especially Marge Gibson are known internationally. they akso took in other birds. i learned how to feed baby birds. it was the of my honor of my life to live close to and volunteer there.
anyway i raised baby until it could eat on its own and took it to a rehabber. about 2 years later she asked to take him back. she wasn’t doing rehab anymore- and by the way he is blind in one eye. he is very human imprinted. he follows me around the house, sleeps in my bedroom and pecks my head to wake up. he drinks water from the kitchen faucet. he flies free. i bought a cage but i just can’t contain him to a cage. he’s always been free. also i move his food and water dishes to be in the room i’m in. i think that helps him locate his food better. maybe i enjoy spoiling him. 😊pic of my moluccan cockatoo. i’ll send a separate of the other.


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umbrella cockatoo.


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bluejay and blue and gold macaw


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Nice birds :)

Your macaw is a feather plucker. Does he/ she have separation anxiety?
Nice birds :)

Your macaw is a feather plucker. Does he/ she have separation anxiety?
i am the macaw’s 3rd owner. she came to me already feather picked. the vet thinks the feather follicles may be damaged. i try to give each bird attention. the macaw is not a lap bird or a cuddly bird. i do try other attention. whenever i go into the laundry room, which is also the back door where we usually come in and go out, she screams. vet said probably separation anxiety. it’s such a shame. i knew her previous owners. the second one kept her in a re- made basement room. a horrible choice and that’s when she started picking. i tried to buy her several times and finally have her. unfortunately she was so feather picked. 😢i probably have too many birds, but i put all my energy and time into bird care and that at least i accomplish every day. would be nice to have a hobby, but these creatures didn’t ask to be here.
do you have blue jays in Australia ( that’s where you are?). i saw there is a beautiful bird there called blue wren?
That's sad about the macaw having 3 different owners. It messes them up. A bit like putting a child into foster care and moving them into a new place every 6 months. it is not good for them. However, it sounds like you are her new forever home so that's great. :)

We don't have blue jays in Australia but we do have fairy wrens. The dominant mature males are spectacularly coloured and turn blue and some species have black, red and white on them. The immature males look like females and are drab brown so they blend in with the plants.

The following links have a picture of a male fairy wren. We call them all fairy wrens (common name) but there are a number of different species with slightly different colours, but all are based around a blue body.

The black cockatoo in the picture on those links is a white tail black cockatoo. These are native to the south west of Western Australia and are endangered due to habitat clearing/ deforestation. Back in the 1970s there would be huge flocks of these birds flying over our house when they went north or south at different times of the year. The flocks would be so big they blacked out the sky and took 5-10 minutes to fly by. The call to each other too when flying so you had the sky turn black and a high pitched squawk, which went on for minutes. Then 15-30 minutes later another flock would fly over. This went on for weeks with hundreds of thousands of birds flying past. Now we are lucky if we see 3 or 4 birds and that might be it for the year :(

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