

Fish Crazy
Mar 30, 2009
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hi i am planning to get cherry and amano shrimp but the tank has no lid and was wondering can they climb out
I have several tanks with no lids and have 100's of shrimp, I keep the water down by about an inch bellow the top and all is fine here no dead shrimp.
Yes. I find them all over the place at work.
That must be fun! lol

It was funny a week ago when I caught one right at the last second going into a tank with a 8" Midas. I don't think it had fully hit the water before it was eaten and I saw it all in slow motion... cruel maybe, but I couldn't stop giggling :blush:
If they are leaving your tank then it is a sign of a problem in the environment otherwise they don't normally climb out. Below is a photo of my amano tank see how close the moss wall gets to the top (not the best photo but this tank doesn't exist any more its basically parallel with the top) I only ever lost 3 at the beginning after I figured out why they were leaving (a fish was picking on them) and stopped the problem they stayed in.
(click to enlarge)
If they are leaving your tank then it is a sign of a problem in the environment otherwise they don't normally climb out. Below is a photo of my amano tank see how close the moss wall gets to the top (not the best photo but this tank doesn't exist any more its basically parallel with the top) I only ever lost 3 at the beginning after I figured out why they were leaving (a fish was picking on them) and stopped the problem they stayed in.
(click to enlarge)
ok now i know that heres the situation last night i filled up my 10l tank (no lid)
the temp is 25c (is this ok for cherry and amano shrimp)
the filter is a small one that does 45l an hour (is that enough for about 10 shrimp)
the actual tank has 3 rocks and will have a java moss (is java moss ok for them)
also should shrimp be in established tanks or if i put some filter material from a cycled tank will this be ok if i put it in on the day so the bacteria will not die
ok now i know that heres the situation last night i filled up my 10l tank (no lid)
the temp is 25c (is this ok for cherry and amano shrimp)
the filter is a small one that does 45l an hour (is that enough for about 10 shrimp)
the actual tank has 3 rocks and will have a java moss (is java moss ok for them)
also should shrimp be in established tanks or if i put some filter material from a cycled tank will this be ok if i put it in on the day so the bacteria will not die

Fine you could turn it down a bit if you wanted to save power as shrimp don't need it that warm both cherries and amanos can survive 5+C but they thrive around 20C nice mix between longevity and breeding the RCS.
Bit low you should have 10 times tank turnover so 100L/h would be better but its ok to get you started. TBH you don't even need a filter if you put sufficient live plants inside
Look at Iwagumi tanks for ideas. Java moss is fine some people lay it as a carpet
Mature filter media from another tank is same same as a mature filter provided that tank has never been treated with medications containing copper e.g. parasite medications, anti pests medications
ok now i know that heres the situation last night i filled up my 10l tank (no lid)
the temp is 25c (is this ok for cherry and amano shrimp)
the filter is a small one that does 45l an hour (is that enough for about 10 shrimp)
the actual tank has 3 rocks and will have a java moss (is java moss ok for them)
also should shrimp be in established tanks or if i put some filter material from a cycled tank will this be ok if i put it in on the day so the bacteria will not die

Fine you could turn it down a bit if you wanted to save power as shrimp don't need it that warm both cherries and amanos can survive 5+C but they thrive around 20C nice mix between longevity and breeding the RCS.
Bit low you should have 10 times tank turnover so 100L/h would be better but its ok to get you started. TBH you don't even need a filter if you put sufficient live plants inside
Look at Iwagumi tanks for ideas. Java moss is fine some people lay it as a carpet
Mature filter media from another tank is same same as a mature filter provided that tank has never been treated with medications containing copper e.g. parasite medications, anti pests medications
thanks so much i will turn it down to 20c
also with the java moss i am going to have a carpet so theres a lot so i think the filter will be ok but thanks
and so if i got amano shrimp (1 just in case then i will get more)sunday and while i am aclimatsiing them on the top put some old filter media in it should be ok
also yer i think its a nice combo
Java moss doesn't suck much ammonia out of the water so you will need a filter with it and personally I would increase the filter to a 100l/h one for comfort, but I am a filter fanatic. If the 45l/h is what you have laying around and you can't find a small one for cheap then I suppose it will be ok.

I would seed the tanks cycle so add ammonia to the tank and the mature media a week before then ammonia each day except the day before you buy the shrimp this will let some of the bacteria spread into the new filter.
ok so if i put 3 guppys in there with some old filter media should that keep it going till the weekend and let the bacteria cover the filter and rocks etc
and then at the weekend take them out and swap with the shrimp
ok so i have added 3 guppys and then at the weekend i will test the water and then take it from there
thanks to any one who as posted and helped

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