Shrimp Questions

Oh, the tank is a 20L with a Marineland Penguin 200 filter. Even with the shrimp I’m below capacity. When they multiply, I have plenty of other tanks to share them. They are doing well right now and are so cute! They’ve taken up residency in a tree trunk that the pleco lives in. He seems to enjoy the company.
Your filter intake will need a shrimp screen if it already hasnt got one.
I’m actually still recovering from a head injury 2.5 weeks ago. I think I’m doing fine until I see things like that. Lmao!
If you are having memory issues, problems recalling events or writing errors, or anything out of the ordinary, please keep a record of it and see your doctor if it continues for more than a couple of weeks.

The swelling in the brain should go down within a couple of weeks and if you are still having issues after that, there could be other issues, possibly permanent brain damage or a minor clot that isn't clearing up.

If you need more tests, try to avoid CAT scans because they increase your risk of getting cancer. MRI is much safer than a CAT scan and provide the same imagery.
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If you are having memory issues, problems recalling events or writing errors, or anything out of the ordinary, please keep a record of it and see your doctor if it continues for more than a couple of weeks.

The swelling in the brain should go down within a couple of weeks and if you are still having issues after that, there could be other issues, possibly permanent brain damage or a minor clot that isn't clearing up.

If you need more tests, try to avoid CAT scans because they increase your risk of getting cancer. MRI is much safer than a CAT scan and provide the same imagery.
I agree. I went to the emergency room that night but if the headaches don’t clear up by next week, I’m going to pay my PCP a visit. I’ve seen too many tragedies from closed head injuries during my hospital career. I am keeping a journal of the headaches and concerning issues. Hopefully, it will clear and all is well. I have a sister who had a stroke 4.5 years ago and I’m her primary caretaker. She has aphasia and can no longer read or write. I’m basically her interpreter so I need a clear and healthy brain. Back to better topics like fish and shrimp!
You can put a round sponge filter over the intake strainer of most power filters to help prevent things like baby fish and shrimp being sucked up. Look for sponge filters that go in internal power filters. They are cylindrical and have a hole through the middle that slips over the intake strainer on most power filters. You can also use a sheet of sponge and wrap it around the intake strainer.
About the shrimp screen...
I read baby cherries are about 2-3 mm.
I have an old net I can put over the intake, but the holes are just about exactly 1.5mm, or 1/16 inch.

Is that fine enough, or should I go smaller?
Ciches, plecos are known to eat baby shrimps even if they are mainly plant-eaters (herbivores).
And Deanasue what type of shrimps did you get?
I have heard of Platies and less so female guppies pecking up to half-grown dwarf shrimp to death if there isn't enough cover.
As to pleco, I think it depends on the species to a great extent.

I have heard a meatier diet recommended for peckoltia and hypancistrus species, probably best to approach these with caution
Yes, but bristlenose plecs can get quite large and they are known to eat baby shrimp and sometimes the adults. If there's enough hiding places they'll probably be fine.
Frankly, I would assume anything that would eat an adult brine shrimp likely to eat dwarf shrimplets, so in general the smaller the fish's mouth the better, to reduce the time the babies spend on the menu.

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