Shrimp Questions

Yes, but bristlenose plecs can get quite large and they are known to eat baby shrimp and sometimes the adults. If there's enough hiding places they'll probably be fine.
Bristle Nose plecos only get to about 4 inches or 5 inches. I’ve had mine 2 years and they are maxed out. The shrimp ate residing with the new in a tree.
Ciches, plecos are known to eat baby shrimps even if they are mainly plant-eaters (herbivores).
And Deanasue what type of shrimps did you get?
I got red cherry shrimp. Very cute! Everybody is doing well together so far.
Great to hear everyone is doing well!
I did hear of one forum where someone's bristlenose took cherries, but I usually hear of it working well.
I suspect that person's tank did not have enough algae, or because he said that it ate plants, which I believe is unusual for bristlenose.
I did hear of one forum where someone's bristlenose took cherries

Bn's will eat cherry shrimp when they can catch them.

I suspect that person's tank did not have enough algae, or because he said that it ate plants, which I believe is unusual for bristlenose.

Probably because the BN was starving, they cant exist on algae alone.

Why is a BN eating pellets unusual?

On top of pellets and frozen food like blood worm, shrimp and bits of raw fish I also feed my BN veggies.

Heres a list of things you can feed them.

Peas (deshelled)
Sweet Potato
Green Beans
Melon/Melon rind

Aubergine/Egg plant
Broad Beans
Butternut Squash+ other squash
Capsicum/Bell pepper(not the hot ones)
Kale/Collard Greens
Kiwi Fruit
Lima Beans
Mushroom (common plecs and goldspots love mushroom)
I had a rubber lip a few years ago I had to feed mushrooms to get him eating, (he had been recently wild caught)
You should have seen the cashier's face when she asked me what I was making and I said it was for my fish! :rofl:

Your shrimp will also love eating the veggies in the above post.
do you mean Cichlids instead of Ciches?
I don't think that's what she meant, but I wouldn't keep cherries with any Cichlid, not even apistogramma.

Saw one "yawn" at the pet store, that thing has a similar mouth to body size ratio to a bass! :eek:

Your shrimp will also love eating the veggies in the above post.
I feed my bn algae wafers, cucumbers, and zucchini. He’s pretty well fed so hopefully he’ll stay away from the shrimp. They seem to feel safer with him in his tree cave than out with the fish. I’ve ordered some moss and shrimp tubes for them. I also put a piece of cholla in that they can hide in.
Great to hear everyone is doing well!
I did hear of one forum where someone's bristlenose took cherries, but I usually hear of it working well.
I suspect that person's tank did not have enough algae, or because he said that it ate plants, which I believe is unusual for bristlenose.
My bn gets fed every night before I go to bed. Lights out in the tank and then veggie wafers or cucumber/zucchini. Peas too! Gonna try some spinach and other things on Nick’s list.
Peas too!
Mine loves peas too, de shelled of course. Every now n them put some blood worm near his fave hiding place he will find it and eat it.

Also offer him other veg, They love zucchini but it has very little nutritional value.
Mine loves peas too, de shelled of course. Every now n them put some blood worm near his fave hiding place he will find it and eat it.

Also offer him other veg, They love zucchini but it has very little nutritional value.
cucumbers or zucchini is how i do it, every time i do it, i either do one or the other, but that way the nutrition varies a little.

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