Shrimp Questions


Fish Fanatic
Jun 26, 2006
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I'm toying with adding a small number of shrimp to my PFK 12" nano... What sort of bioload do shrimp add to the tank? I assume it's not very much?

Also, at the top of the tank, there is a 1cm gap around where the lid sits. Is there a chance the shrimp could crawl out of the tank, or will they all stay firmly inside the tank?


I have crystal reds, cherries and amanos in open top tanks. I have seen posts about shrimp jumping from tanks. The only time I have seen them trying to jump out was when they were newly introduced and not acclimatised to the water and once when I had too much Co2 in the water. Happy shrimp in clean water wont jump in my experience. They don’t add anything like fish to the bioload, my own feeling is that about three amanos are the equilivant of a neon tetra.
Bioload wise thats about right, mainly since they clean up alot of organic waste that would add to the bioload. Mine didn't poop alot either, and from what i've read their poop isn't as bad as fish poop :good:
I think they are just like other living organisms, if you provide them a correct place to live in, they won't try to escape (jump out).
I have some shrimps too, they are just nice to rear, love them. :)

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