like the title says.... shrimp die after a water change- I change 20% every two weeks as I have heard less is more with shrimps, The population was at 50, but now its like 10.... I notice molt problems after 2 days with a white split near the head, and dead shrimp with no obvious cause.
The shrimp were breeding but I haven't seen any new shrimp that survive past a week.
I feed them bio max, about 4 pellets, they have an AL in there, fish flakes and half a pleco wafer-not all at once and it is heavily planted. No other fish just MTS.
Water change straight from tap conditioned and temperature matched, I've tried aging the water by leaving it out with conditioner for the night also.
Stats are ok as far as I'm aware, ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 5, ph 6.8, kh3, gh>6.
They have mineral stones, redmoor root and lava rock with three types of moss, java fern, hygrophila, amazon frogbit, and a banana lilly plant- 30Litre.
I did speak to a shrimp guy and he said change the shrimp tank water 20% each week with the tank water from my 300L (that gets two 30% changes each week) I havent done this yet.... I am actually afraid to do anymore water changes..... Anyone know whats going on?
like the title says.... shrimp die after a water change- I change 20% every two weeks as I have heard less is more with shrimps, The population was at 50, but now its like 10.... I notice molt problems after 2 days with a white split near the head, and dead shrimp with no obvious cause.
The shrimp were breeding but I haven't seen any new shrimp that survive past a week.
I feed them bio max, about 4 pellets, they have an AL in there, fish flakes and half a pleco wafer-not all at once and it is heavily planted. No other fish just MTS.
Water change straight from tap conditioned and temperature matched, I've tried aging the water by leaving it out with conditioner for the night also.
Stats are ok as far as I'm aware, ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 5, ph 6.8, kh3, gh>6.
They have mineral stones, redmoor root and lava rock with three types of moss, java fern, hygrophila, amazon frogbit, and a banana lilly plant- 30Litre.
I did speak to a shrimp guy and he said change the shrimp tank water 20% each week with the tank water from my 300L (that gets two 30% changes each week) I havent done this yet.... I am actually afraid to do anymore water changes..... Anyone know whats going on?