Shredded Tail :(

yea i just did a search, all the plants are in malaysia...haha
Java fern is good, moss balls are good.
But you really want some fast growers like elodea.

Guess isn't called Elodea over at your end :rolleyes:

It's called 'Anacharis', so try searching for that.
Bwahaha...oh north americans....I actually found this fish store in my city...just for I just might go there today....:).

They won't need fertilizers would they?
Shouldn't do no, it will basically get all of it's nutrients from the waste from your betta. Just make sure it gets light for a good few hours a day and you'll be fine.
I bought him bettafix yesterday, put the recommended dose...(it smells so good) :p....This morning his fins showed off his colours like never before.

So it says i'm supposed to continue this for 7 days, but my tank isn't cycled yet, and I do daily water changes (25%). However I bought a stingray 5 yesterday and it's in the tank now. Will this affect the process of healing in anyway...and should i add the medicine after a water change?

Thanks guys!
you can remed after waterchanges, just keep an eye on him while using bettafix/melafix.....

Once they've had fin damage or finrot the new growth is very delicate and is easily damaged or reinfected. I know as my little guy has had it 3 times now, first time was bad and I used medication, the second time he blew all the new growth in one hour, all gone that time I just added salt to his water and did a 50% water change each day, in a week he had new growth......only this afternoon I find him with a hole in his tail, gutted to say the least, so added salt and will see how quick it moves, if it goes fast the will add proper meds..........mine had finrot when I got him but I am also cycling my tank and it does takes its toll on them, Ive just gotten over a massive nitrite spike and I think that is what has caused this to start again.

Keep on top of it and he will be fine, its really upsetting to see them like it though, so I do understand how you feel. In yoru good care he should make a speedy recovery.
Yea i know what you mean, I had just finished aquascaping his tank, the day before, and cleaned it, and then i saw his fin, and got so upset, that i took out anything sharp from the tank...(nothing really was sharp)...and my whole night was ruined :(....He was so pretty with his short little fins....i call him my baby betta..because he seems a lot smaller compared to all the other betttas i have seen.

But i'm just glad he isn't sulking, he gets excited when i come next to the tank and start swimming back and forth like CRAZY! :wub: He hates it when i take pictures of him, because his fins get all clamped...and he just stares, i like it when he swims around...and right now he's being a daredevil and swimming against the current, until he gets exhausted.

But the main point haha...i got carried away.....i'll keep doing water changes, and I'm sure his fins will grow back

Why do you use the salt? isn't the dechlorinator enough?
Salt is a natural anti-bacterial. When fish get ripped fins for any reason then it means they're open to infection, just like when you get a cut.
If you pop a bit of salt in then it kills off/supresses bacteria in the water making it less likely for infection to occur.

As you're using bettafix it isn't neccesary. It's just an alternative.
Thanks curiosity101....I just realized i turned into a fish fanatic :cake:

I see white growth on his fins ALREADDDDDY! yay! :yahoo:

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