Show us your cat/s!

couple of questions
do you brush your cats teeth? How often?
I like to live. I do however Trim nails regularly and they comply with that.
Do you bathe your cat? How often?
Almost never. Only in emergency cases like if a disaster of some sort happens and they get dirty. Cats obsessively click themselves after a bath causing a spike in allergens that makes me sneeze no stop for 2 weeks
Which gender of cat is calmer and more affectionate?
My male European shorthair is the sweetest cat I know
Hello. We have five indoor cats and two that live in our garage. Most are strays that found a home with us. We have pretty high vet bills. The older, outdoor cats have thyroid issues and are on medication. Like people, things start to go a little south when you get old. They all go to the vet regularly and some have dental issues, so that's not cheap. We have them all chipped, so if they get out or get lost, we'll know about it. We never really go on vacation, because finding someone to stay at the house and take care of all animals really isn't feasible. We enjoy staying home and doing chores and taking care of the livestock.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
couple of questions
do you brush your cats teeth? How often?
Never done this. They don't brush their teeth naturally so I don't see why we would need to.
Do you bathe your cat? How often?
Very rarely and only because of an emergency. For example, I once had a cat that came home soaked in gasoline. I think he got into it in the garage area. Since a cat will try to lick themselves clean, he would have poisoned himself. So he got an immediate bath. Another occasion, I had one that had a bad flea problem.
Cats absolutely hate getting wet. So giving one a bath is like Thunderdome. The cat will fight you ever step of the way. You're going to catch some scratches. You can't get mad at the cat though. They don't know what's happening and they're just defending themselves.
Which gender of cat is calmer and more affectionate?
I don't think that gender makes a difference. It all comes down to how they are raised, how you treat them, and their individual personality.
couple of questions
do you brush your cats teeth? How often?
Do you bathe your cat? How often?
Which gender of cat is calmer and more affectionate?
I have never brushed my cats teeth, but my newest adoption does have some tartar and he's only a bit over a year old. Since he is a bit confused over boundaries I might get away with brushing his.
I have never bathed any of my current cats. I used to bathe on arrival, to get mites and fleas off, and establish dominance. I'm actually fairly good at bathing a cat, but the oldest of my current cats is Cuchulainn. A pound kitty, he arrived with the name Cupcake, no fur from flea allergy and having been neglected by my neighbor, he tried to remove her thumb when she caught him to give to me. I had to trap him, and this was 2016. He spent 3 months in the fish room, the first 2 in a giant dog crate, while he learned that humans were ok and he didn't need to bite them. He acquired the name Cuchulainn when he was regularly swatting my giant GSD foster as the dog walked past in 2018. Cuchulainn is a Celtic warrior god and the name fits. While he is extremely affectionate now, he appears to be part Maine Coon, and is a master snuggler at 12 or 13 lbs, I do good to get flea drops on him if he sees the tube. If he ever needs medication he will probably die before allowing me to pill him. Forget the toothbrush.
Jackson arrived in November 2020, having been at a friend's rural house when I was working on their pond in August, they said he was dumped. In November I had time to trap him. His ear is tipped because I thought he was feral. After he was fixed he rubbed up against my hand and purred. A year later he got crystals in his bladder so he became a housecat. He highly approves of air conditioning and the new mattress was claimed immediately by him and Cuchulainn.
In June 2022 I got a call about a kitten that needed fostered. He got lost in the rescue system and stuck in a cage by himself with minimal care for a few months. The rescue delivered him, and Mike was quickly renamed Whiskers by my granddaughter. Took me about 6 months and removing the bedframe to get him out of the box springs in the fish room. But now he is a sweet confused boy who might let me brush his teeth. And he might need them brushed.


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2 feral cats at the moment. The Tortie, Queen of the Porch is a 2017 kitten who has been here since she was 3 months old. Once in a while I manage to get flea drops on her, and if she looks wormy I mix the meds in wet food. She is her own cat and quite fierce despite being small. I think when I got the black and white one fixed I called him the Jester. I have to give some kind of name, it took me 6 months to trap him. I went ahead and got him full shots. He seems to be sticking around.
And another pic of Whiskers. If he got out the difference between him and Jester is a white mark on Whiskers nose, and Jester's back legs are white. Also Jester's ear is tipped. Whiskers is not allowed out. The skill to outrun predators is limited to ferals. I have coyotes and hawks around here


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couple of questions
do you brush your cats teeth? How often?
Do you bathe your cat? How often?
Which gender of cat is calmer and more affectionate?
Hello. The vet does the teeth cleaning. They'll do a much better job. Don't bath the cats. They seem to do a pretty good job. Females are by far easier to keep, They seem to be calmer, not nearly as territorial and less likely to "mark" things in the house. Affection is about equal, I'd say.

10 Tank (Now 11)
10 Tank I don't ever have 2 female cats in the same house. I have 3 fixed males, no marking. That was not the case when I had a pair of sisters, gave one to a daughter and marking ceased.
10 Tank I don't ever have 2 female cats in the same house. I have 3 fixed males, no marking. That was not the case when I had a pair of sisters, gave one to a daughter and marking ceased.
Hi Alice. Oh yes. Definitely have to have everyone fixed. But, when we had inside males, they marked even though they were fixed. Go figure. We currently have five indoor females and have had no marking problems to speak of.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
Maybe it was sibling rivalry, but I keep my cat population down period. and the only reason I have 3 is that Whiskers only option besides my house was not good, and Jackson, well his kidneys will go one day I suspect, medicated food and all. And Cuchulainn is getting old and has a heart murmur.
Also he does not pee _INSIDE_ the box, he pees _ON TOP_ of the box, then tries to bury it by scratching the plastic. He could pee in the toilet if it wasn't that if we leave it open he would also drink from it.

One of my males used to pee in the tub drain. I tried to train the cats to use the toilet back in the 90s but I never succeeded.
Does your cat damage your furniture or carpets? How do you prevent that from happening.
Also, do trim their nails? How often?
Does your cat damage your furniture or carpets? How do you prevent that from happening.
Also, do trim their nails? How often?
One of mine eats shoes. We got shoe lockers that close. Still the kids are terrible at putting away their shoes do those are all chewed.
Trim nails is easy. You'll notice when it necessary, they get on you for cuddles and it hurts.
I'm considering getting a cat or two thus my quesitons.

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