Show Off Your Tank!

About midway through the fishless cycle. I still feel like something is missing... Do you think I could work in some bogwood?

I quite like that as it is :D
Thought I'd add a photo of my tank....not got any recent ones with fish in (this is what it was like after cycling) so will have to take some and add later....


Juwel Rio 125.jpg
With a bit if rock in there.. going to take both bits of wood out get a good shaped root wood them plant it up! :D

And maybe even give the top of the tank a clean haha

With a bit if rock in there.. going to take both bits of wood out get a good shaped root wood them plant it up! :D

And maybe even give the top of the tank a clean haha

Very nice! Where did you get your background? They had them at my LFS, but they were quite expensive.
Got it from my LFS it was only £10.75 per sheet.. how much is it there then?
Got it from my LFS it was only £10.75 per sheet.. how much is it there then?
They all come in one piece here, and it was $125.00 for a 65 gallon, I believe. Do you know of anywhere I can find them online?
yep, just swimmin in your living room when you are eaten by a GWS that swam out of the kitchen... well, that makes for a news story i suppose!
Hi All

A very newbie to this. I recieved a birob life for Christmas, im 4 days in to my fishless cycle now. I know its not the most desirable tank to most on here, but im happy with how my first tank looks considering the tank size im dealing with. Ive got a long way to go before i stock so plenty of time too look around. I really like guppy's, my first thought would be four of them and maybe a couple of other fish and a couple of shrimp. Any ideas on what would work well with the guppy's? And what's your opinions on my scaping?
It seems i my photo didnt upload, and im struggling to get it sent. Ill have another try. I can browse but it doesn't seem to want to upload.

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