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Plenty of live plants! Try some java fern, anubias, crypts and hygrophila. They're all pretty hardy and should do well in a low tech setup. Adding CO2 and ferts would really help them flourish, though. An amazon sword would look pretty neat in there too, though they do grow pretty large if given the chance. Anubias and java fern need attatching to things, eg wood.

More root-type wood would look great in there :good:

+1 on the plants. But co2 would be a bit overkill with the low light... :unsure:
Try not to be so techinal i dont no that much about fish and the plants etc haha.. but have took a note of the plant names and will go to my local shop tomorrow and see what they have :).. and im looking for a good shape redmoor and a good price that will go in my tank nicely..

is there another name to redmoor wood as the bloke in in my local shop didnt no what that was? lol

Redmoor is usually looked upon as the holey grail, but Sumatran can often look good too.
Big boy? Easy tiger ;) haha.. Just a Albino pleco common maybe? :S Lol
Isnt a BN but still a pleco :D you like?
ha ha i love him xD xx he is adorable xx i have two pleco's who i love to pieces xx

Any pictures? :) this isnt my first but yeah i like them too :D

Big boy? Easy tiger ;) haha.. Just a Albino pleco common maybe? :S Lol
My largest plec is a 3 innch BN. Anythign bigger than that is a big boy lol

haha fair play any pictures as the girlfriend wants to see? :D
This little guy is tough as nails! When I added java moss to my wood, he was stuck to the wood. Ended up in my kitchen sink out of water for a 1/2 hour! And lived!

How to you tell if its male or female?.. I saw the biggest pleco ive ever seen today must have been about 2ft+ was huge could see all the detailing on it.. i took a picture so will upload tomorrow! :D

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