Show Off Your Tank!

I just rescaped my 10 gal dwarf puffer tank. The water is still settling...but here's the tank so far. :)
I'm quite proud...its the first scape I've done on anything bigger than a 2.5 gal tank

I just rescaped my 10 gal dwarf puffer tank. The water is still settling...but here's the tank so far. :)
I'm quite proud...its the first scape I've done on anything bigger than a 2.5 gal tank


That looks so familiar for some reason. :)
Here's a better photo now that the water has cleared up. :)
Well, the 220 is still cycling. My ammonia has dropped from 1.0ppm to .5 ppm. Nitrites are up to 1.0 ppm and Nitrates are at 15.

Added some live plants to it today, four amazon swords. They look great, and match our artificial plants really well. If I can keep the swords alive, and they grow high enough, I'll move them to the back of the tank and get rid of the artificial plants altogether.

My camera takes really dark pics, but in this short video you can see the plants and driftwood:

Some pics:








Those are some baby swords, I picked up some larger ones at Big Als this week, about 20 inches tall
My Juwel Rio 125 is due for delivery tomorrow. Im looking forward to scaping my first ever tank and will share my creation on here in a couple of weeks!
Those are some baby swords, I picked up some larger ones at Big Als this week, about 20 inches tall

Those are from Big Al's. They just came in today. I wish they had 20" ones at my location, that's the height of my plastic plants. I could have ditched them today.
I know I just posted recently, but I lost a ton of plants and moved some things around. The left and right hand corners plants will get really tall and hopefully the crypts will get all big a bushy. Any suggestions?


They say to each his own but this is pretty much my idea of perfection. Your tank looks so stunning :good: Black gravel and a black background really highlights the color of each individual plant you have in there making an awesome contrast amongst each plant. Suggestions? I only have 2 My first would be to get a thicker plant of your choice, add it to one corner, and hide the intake and heater behind it. That or cut the ludwigia (if it is ludwigia) to grow more stalks to hide the equipment behind that. The second would be to get an apisto pair. With such a great contrast a cac orange flash would look pretty superb in there as would any brightly colored apisto. Both are very minor and humble tweaks that I'd make, personally. It remains a superb looking tank regardless

I also have a question for you. What substrate are you using? If you say black blasting sand I'm going to shed an envious tear of frustration. Thhanks for posting this. It's so natural and so cool you should name your scape "Naturelle."

EDIT* lol Yup from my sig you can see that I've been shooting for something similar for a while but my tank can not compete with yours lol

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