Man of fish
I'm Interested in.... ----|> that
Your plants melted ugh!
Looks good though.
Looks good though.
Sweet! What stock do you have planned?
Might I suggest Angels and Pearl Gouramis due to the height?
and im not sure on what to stock really i want it to be colourful but not sure what to go for ill be moving my current stock over from my 100L tank so ill deffo need some more as it will look empty
and im not sure on what to stock really i want it to be colourful but not sure what to go for ill be moving my current stock over from my 100L tank so ill deffo need some more as it will look empty
I've been told that Angels go well with Pearl Gouramis. Both appreciate similar water parameters. Mollies like a little aquarium salt in their water although they can do fine without too. Platies might be a better option than Mollies since they're more colorful.
Three Spot Gouramis aka Blue, Opaline, Gold & Lavender Gouramis also work well with Angels. You could add a trio of 1 male & 2 or more females. This might be a nice option since you can add a Gold male & mix up the colors by adding 1 gold, 1 opaline, & 1 blue females. That would give a good amount of color.
If your substrate is sand you can add quite a few Corys to that mix to give your tank some bottom dwellers that are usually very active & fun to watch. Not the most colorful though.
Finally, you can add Dwarf Gouramis or Honey Gouramis but I wouldn't recommend that if you add Three Spot Gouramis. The Honeys & Dwarfs wouldn't stand a chance but you could keep Dwarf G's or Honey G's with Pearl G's.
A tank that size needs a big school of Tetras in my humble opinion & Angels go well with Black Skirt Tetras & Serpae Tetras. With a tank that big you should be able to add 10-12 and still have plenty of room for other fish.
Good luck!
starting to mature now