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Jourdan, remember what a huge difference it made in your hex tank when you put that piece of driftwood in it?
I prefer bog wood to rocks as I think its more in keeping but mine is a community tank. I assume you are keeping cichlids, so rocks are the norm.
Have you considered installing a 3D background and just having a few rocks to the foreground? also maybe a couple of resin roots such as these from ebay

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Jourdan, remember what a huge difference it made in your hex tank when you put that piece of driftwood in it?
I am trying to find some larger driftwood to hang over the rocks in my 55g and 75g :D

Your 55g and your 75g might need some plants I perfer real plants but that is just me. ;)
The fish I keep in my 55g and 75g would destroy plants. I am going to add driftwood when I find the perfect pieces.

Here's my bigger one! Yeah, I have two, and a third one coming... :D

621 litres, 170cm x 60 cm x 60 cm. Two Eheim 2252 internal filters, one Eheim professional 3 external filter.
Jourdan, remember what a huge difference it made in your hex tank when you put that piece of driftwood in it?
I am trying to find some larger driftwood to hang over the rocks in my 55g and 75g :D

Your 55g and your 75g might need some plants I perfer real plants but that is just me. ;)
The fish I keep in my 55g and 75g would destroy plants. I am going to add driftwood when I find the perfect pieces.

Sailfin Zach is my 10 year old son. He doesn't know much about Cichlids & their love for destroying plants................ :good:
Jourdan, remember what a huge difference it made in your hex tank when you put that piece of driftwood in it?
I am trying to find some larger driftwood to hang over the rocks in my 55g and 75g :D

Your 55g and your 75g might need some plants I perfer real plants but that is just me. ;)
The fish I keep in my 55g and 75g would destroy plants. I am going to add driftwood when I find the perfect pieces.

Sailfin Zach is my 10 year old son. He doesn't know much about Cichlids & their love for destroying plants................ :good:
Oh :) Regardless, its a good idea. I would love to have some green in those tanks. That is why I am going to add some wood.

@Tribalbrit I would add bogwood to my Malawi tank, but it's already fun keeping the pH above 8. Bogwood would lover the pH.

Here's my bigger one! Yeah, I have two, and a third one coming... :D

621 litres, 170cm x 60 cm x 60 cm. Two Eheim 2252 internal filters, one Eheim professional 3 external filter.

I love the dark-ish look of your tank. It's a very nice natural looking tank.
Nice! There are fish in there somewhere right? :blink: I only see what looks like a Cherry Barb and maybe a Serpae Tetra................
Yep, they were all hiding as they'd just been traumatised, this was 2 hours after they spent 2 hours in a plastic storage container whilst I changed the substrate.

In there is 12 Ember Tetra's, 12 Boraras briggitae, 3 Panda Corydoras, 2 Honey Gourami's and a Bristlenose Pleco.
Heres mine, currently up for criticisms in the Members Tanks and Pictures section as im looking for ideas on how to finish it off plants and fish wise.



And the "little tank"

Nice! There are fish in there somewhere right? :blink: I only see what looks like a Cherry Barb and maybe a Serpae Tetra................
Yep, they were all hiding as they'd just been traumatised, this was 2 hours after they spent 2 hours in a plastic storage container whilst I changed the substrate.

In there is 12 Ember Tetra's, 12 Boraras briggitae, 3 Panda Corydoras, 2 Honey Gourami's and a Bristlenose Pleco.

Nice! Aren't the Ember Tetras similar to the Von Rio Flame?

Heres mine, currently up for criticisms in the Members Tanks and Pictures section as im looking for ideas on how to finish it off plants and fish wise.



And the "little tank"


Both tanks look great............ :good:
i thought i shall post an update to mine :) almost finished scapeing it :)

Nice! Aren't the Ember Tetras similar to the Von Rio Flame?

Someone correct me if need be, but aren't those two different species? I have von Rio tetras, and they aren't flames, which have stripes.

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