S Sky042 Fish Herder Joined Apr 20, 2004 Messages 1,517 Reaction score 1 Location PA May 14, 2004 #76 Heres a few
K kaz petts Fishaholic Joined Mar 6, 2004 Messages 563 Reaction score 0 Location Ossett, nr Wakefield, West Yorks England May 14, 2004 #77 Here are some of mine. First 2 are poor pics of my upside down cat fish. The next few are of one of my kissing gouramis This one is of my kissing gourami with Casper my white gourami Now a pic of my male guppies And to finish off the rest of my fish including the king of the tank Sinatra my betta Bad pic of my 2 plecs Another not so good pic but you can just about make out some of the other occupants of the tank including my male dalmation molly. Sorry about all the pics but you know how it is. Kaz
Here are some of mine. First 2 are poor pics of my upside down cat fish. The next few are of one of my kissing gouramis This one is of my kissing gourami with Casper my white gourami Now a pic of my male guppies And to finish off the rest of my fish including the king of the tank Sinatra my betta Bad pic of my 2 plecs Another not so good pic but you can just about make out some of the other occupants of the tank including my male dalmation molly. Sorry about all the pics but you know how it is. Kaz
B buggyboutbettas Fishaholic Joined Apr 23, 2004 Messages 547 Reaction score 0 Location Colorado, U.S. May 14, 2004 #78 click the links in my sig
D Dwarfs Fish Connoisseur Joined Feb 21, 2004 Messages 5,299 Reaction score 1 Location Long island, New York May 14, 2004 #79 New one! Geo suranamensis Attachments Andrew__s_tanks_2_6807.jpg 59.5 KB · Views: 47
D Dwarfs Fish Connoisseur Joined Feb 21, 2004 Messages 5,299 Reaction score 1 Location Long island, New York May 14, 2004 #80 Ropefish Attachments Andrew__s_tanks_2_039.jpg 46.6 KB · Views: 52
S snowyangel Fish Gatherer Joined Nov 7, 2003 Messages 2,636 Reaction score 3 Location just became an american *play dramatic music* May 14, 2004 #81 SKY042 you take some of the clearest, best quality pictures I've seen. Beautiful fish you have there.... Attachments orgy.jpg 47.3 KB · Views: 54
SKY042 you take some of the clearest, best quality pictures I've seen. Beautiful fish you have there....
A Arashi I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal! Joined Apr 27, 2004 Messages 1,772 Reaction score 0 Location Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows May 14, 2004 #82 Ya'll had to know that I'd be posting here right? So, here's all of my fish minus: the zebra danios (cause I couldn't catch them), one platy (cause he was hiding), and the pleco (but you can see him in my siggy). Ok, here goes! Tsing Tao Kaiser Sunny Comet with two corys One of my new serpae tetras Two of my little corys
Ya'll had to know that I'd be posting here right? So, here's all of my fish minus: the zebra danios (cause I couldn't catch them), one platy (cause he was hiding), and the pleco (but you can see him in my siggy). Ok, here goes! Tsing Tao Kaiser Sunny Comet with two corys One of my new serpae tetras Two of my little corys
OP OP D DARTHMITCHELL New Member Joined Dec 12, 2003 Messages 33 Reaction score 0 Location Australia NSW sydney May 15, 2004 #83 thay are all great fish Arashi i gota say there you have nice fish
A Arashi I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal! Joined Apr 27, 2004 Messages 1,772 Reaction score 0 Location Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows May 15, 2004 #84 DARTHMITCHELL said: thay are all great fish Arashi i gota say there you have nice fish Click to expand... Why thank you darth.
DARTHMITCHELL said: thay are all great fish Arashi i gota say there you have nice fish Click to expand... Why thank you darth.
B bittersweet Fishaholic Joined Feb 28, 2004 Messages 498 Reaction score 0 May 15, 2004 #85 ok..here are my precious bettas my female betta Scarlet my newest male Soleil..pineapple SD Blue guy..my CT Nipper, before he got finrot and last but not least Pinky
ok..here are my precious bettas my female betta Scarlet my newest male Soleil..pineapple SD Blue guy..my CT Nipper, before he got finrot and last but not least Pinky
abe Fish Crazy Joined Mar 6, 2004 Messages 263 Reaction score 0 Location Pittsburgh PA May 15, 2004 #86 Here are a few of my fishies!
B Bomag Fish Crazy Joined May 13, 2004 Messages 279 Reaction score 0 Location Lincoln UK May 25, 2004 #87 My Little Bruce Attachments bruces_head.jpg 21 KB · Views: 50
I impur Fish Herder Joined Jun 5, 2003 Messages 1,414 Reaction score 0 Location Oregon May 25, 2004 #88 GT with clown Attachments gt_clown.jpg 43.2 KB · Views: 50
I impur Fish Herder Joined Jun 5, 2003 Messages 1,414 Reaction score 0 Location Oregon May 25, 2004 #89 Little Chompers Attachments emerald.jpg 33.1 KB · Views: 57
I impur Fish Herder Joined Jun 5, 2003 Messages 1,414 Reaction score 0 Location Oregon May 25, 2004 #90 JD Attachments jd2.jpg 47.7 KB · Views: 48