Should L001 Be On The "plecs Under 8In" List?


Fish Herder
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
SE London
When I was thinking about getting Gregory, my first plec, I was told not to worry about him becoming a tankbuster as he was a gold spot not a gibby. I checked and was reassured to find L001 included in the "Plecs under 8in "list so I went ahead and got him.
In just over a year he has grown from 8in to over a foot (plus tail) and I had to move him to a 4ft tank.I have since been told by some forum members that L001 is closely related to gibbiceps and he may grow up to 15in.

This is one of my favourite fish and I would never part with him but perhaps prospective L001 owners should be aware of possible maximum size. If L001 is included in this list should there be a warning that they may in fact grow much bigger than 8in, more like 12-15in?
I agree with you on this issue but it has been pointed out 4 years ago and nothing has been done -_-

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