Should I Worry About This?

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
Reaction score
South Africa
1. What are the implications of a problem of this magnitude??....
2. Will my single Clown Loach eventually win this battle??
3. What stuff do I dip the plants in if I want to transfer them to other tanks (without hitch hikers)??
4. What useful purpose do these Trumpets have??
5. Any other suggestions




remove as many as possible by hand (kill em and chuck em; boiling water should do it)

get a snail trap catch the rest.
I have the same snails, they are unstoppable.

I put my hand in the tank and squish as many as possible every day, along with your clown loach it's a battle you should eventually win.

Loach on his own would struggle.
WOW! I have never seen it like that before - I would just scoop them all out and crush them all. Loaches will start to down the numbers but it might take a while and not sure if they will eat them faster than they breed.

i have 5 loaches soon to be six and they don't touch them as said traps manual killing and leaving leaves of lettuce in the tank overnight (then removing with hundreds on there)
I wish you were in the uk my turtles would have a field day :lol:
ah a slight snail problem i see :blink:
only one thing for it clown loach
i think its one of them problems
that will take an absolute age
to sort out if you wanted to remove the
plants we used to get a treatment called
snail away that you used to soak your plant in it for
half an hour to an hour if there was no fish in the tank
you could always up the temp boil them wwwwwwoooooooaaaaa
i know that's cruel mind you if you did put a loach in there
you would never have to feed it for a month during and about three
month afterwards how did it get like that would salt do any good
in getting rid of them or grow them on i hear escargot is making big
money just now :sick: :lol:

quote[No 11 Snail Away 60ml

SNAIL AWAY No 11 : Snails are commonly found in most aquariums, sometimes however, their numbers can reach nuisance proportions. Snail Away is a safe, established solution for knocking out snails allowing their easy removal from the aquarium by use of a gravel cleaner or similar

For use in coldwater and tropical freshwater aquariums

WARNING : Do not use with other copper based products

Do Not use if water is very soft (less than 50ppm CaCo3)

Do not use with invertebrates]unquote
I wouldnt use any products to kill off the snails, because especially with trumpets they will die somewhere in the gravel and as they rot foul the tank because they are too heavy to be removed with a gravel vac.
Anyone know the lifespan of these trumpets??..... maybe If I can just get something to "kill" the eggs.... they will all be gone in one generation.
On the plus side, Trumpets live in the gravel/substrate and assist it removing air pocket or build-ups of gases and turn the substrate, though to what extent is debatable. Aparrently Clown loaches will avoid these if possible as the shells are too tough and can damage their mouths. I'm sure you already know that it is a sign of overfeding so reducing the amount you feed will limit the population.
Bloody hell!! Thats a lot of snails! I doubt any fish could win that battle, can you not clean out the tank and rip the wee blighters out and treat your plants.

Did people not use to use iodine or something when selling plants?
Well, too many snails usually means overfeeding. If your fish eat all the food given to them, there will be little left for the snails to eat. When a tank gets this overrun, take a piece of lettuce and lay it on the substrate and leave it overnight. In the morning, remove the lettuce leaf and all the snails attached to it and dispose of it properly. You may have to do this many times to knock a huge hole in their population (and after the existing eggs hatch to get the babies). Feed your fish very sparingly so that no leftover food is present and the problem will take care of itself. You may not get rid of all of them, but you can control their population. Sure, they will still find some food in the algae etc, but not enough to make a population explosion like that.

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