Should I Wait Or Should I Go?


New Member
Apr 18, 2007
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Hi, my fishless cycle (after 4 weeeks) readings yesterday at 11pm were:

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 8

I think the Nitrates are low because there is a green nitrate sponge which I assume is doing its job.

Still topping up ammonia to raise it back to 4ppm and it is dropping back to 0 in approx 14-16 hours.

Member Tiger Barb responded in a previous thread that I was there but Underwurlde said I should wait another 4 weeks. Does anyone else have any opinion on whether I’m safe now to do a big water change and add the fish or should I wait?

My big problem is I’m going away for 2 days tomorrow and worried that as there will be nobody here to add the ammonia the beneficial bacteria will die off and I’ll be back to square one after 4 weeks of effort and patience. Any suggestion?

If I add the fish before I go, I won’t be here for their first 2 days, which doesn’t feel right.

Finally, my tank is 81x35x50cm, a Juwel Rio 125. I’m hoping to stock around 25 fishes. My list at the moment includes:

6 Zebra Danios
6 Cardinal Tetras
6 Clown Pleco or 6 Penguin Tetras
6 Gouramis
1 bristlenose

Any comment on stocking, choice of fish and/or recommendation on male/female mix?

Any advice greatly appreciated.
if your adding ammonia and it is dropping in that timescale and your readings have read ammonia and nitrites have been reading 0 for a while then i cant see why you couldn't add fish. You definately need to keep ammonia source. If it was my tank i would say it has finished cycling.
not sure what anyone else would recommend, but id choose your gouramis carefully, or purchase them all at the same time. Ive had territorial problems with opaline and 3 spot gouramis if they are already established and i introduce a new, slightly smaller one
Hi, my fishless cycle (after 4 weeeks) readings yesterday at 11pm were:

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 8

I think the Nitrates are low because there is a green nitrate sponge which I assume is doing its job.

Still topping up ammonia to raise it back to 4ppm and it is dropping back to 0 in approx 14-16 hours.

Member Tiger Barb responded in a previous thread that I was there but Underwurlde said I should wait another 4 weeks. Does anyone else have any opinion on whether I’m safe now to do a big water change and add the fish or should I wait?

My big problem is I’m going away for 2 days tomorrow and worried that as there will be nobody here to add the ammonia the beneficial bacteria will die off and I’ll be back to square one after 4 weeks of effort and patience. Any suggestion?

If I add the fish before I go, I won’t be here for their first 2 days, which doesn’t feel right.

Finally, my tank is 81x35x50cm, a Juwel Rio 125. I’m hoping to stock around 25 fishes. My list at the moment includes:

6 Zebra Danios
6 Cardinal Tetras
6 Clown Pleco or 6 Penguin Tetras
6 Gouramis
1 bristlenose

Any comment on stocking, choice of fish and/or recommendation on male/female mix?

Any advice greatly appreciated.

I've just completed a successful fishless cycle and yours sounds like it's ready my friend. I managed to get the ammonia dropping to zero in under 10 hours, but I was putting in 5ppm (at least) of ammonia whilst I was cycling (I actually worked out the measurements wrong) -_-

My recommendation to you is to research, research, research on the fish and make sure you don't overstock - I'm sure you know this.

If you are going away my recommendation to you is to wait until you are back and get someone to feed the bacteria. You have to watch and make sure the fish are happy and don't rush the introduction, otherwise you will stress them out big time and have loads of issues, I have read up on people who have rushed the introduction and it is not worth it.

Enjoy it, it's worth it, you've invested a month in baby sitting an empty tank of water and bacteria, you don't want to spoil it now :no:

Good luck

Martin :good:
Thanks for all your advice. I'm going to wait till I get back before getting the fish. I've now got somebody to come add the ammonia in my absence.

Any further advice on fish stocking from all the experts out there will be gretaly appreciated.
I'd avoid Dwarf Gouramis, they're susceptible to a fatal Iridovirus. Don't add the Cardinal Tetras until the tank has been cycled AND matured for 5-6 weeks.
Don't add the Cardinal Tetras until the tank has been cycled AND matured for 5-6 weeks.

That's true about the Cardinals. Ask the lfs what Nitrate their have been used to before you get them. Then if need be, get media to lower your Nitrate to match theirs until they are used to your levels of Nitrate. That the route I'm going down.

Martin :good:
Out of interest, would the beneficial bacteria seriously die off in the 2 days absence, requiring a whole cycle again? If so, couldn't you place some flakes in there to slow feed some ammonia into the tank?

Out of interest, would the beneficial bacteria seriously die off in the 2 days absence, requiring a whole cycle again? If so, couldn't you place some flakes in there to slow feed some ammonia into the tank?


I've read that Ammonia Bacteria starts dying off after 12 hours :(

Martin :good:
you said either 6 clown plecos or 6 Penguin Tetras then the BN so you could have 7 plecos which wouldn't be good, they are very high waste producers, so i'd go with the tetras then 6 of the more peaceful gourami :good:

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